Welcome Guest Blogger Diana Cosby


Many people chase their dreams, and along the way, through hard work and perseverance, some achieve their goals.  When this happens, it’s an amazing time.  This event should be celebrated and savored as you can never replace that ‘first time’ magic when it happens in your life.

But, once you achieve your dream, what now?  Do you have a plan of action prepared?  A budget?  Will your strategy and marketing be time intensive?  Do you understand how the business end of whatever goal you are pursuing works?  What about industry contacts = networking?

cosby_captiveFar from trying to worry or deter anyone from striving to achieve their dream, my questions are to instill a shot of reality into the dream-focused mind.  It’s easy to become caught up on that idea of being a rising star.  Realistically, once you achieve your goal, the magic wand that keeps that dream alive is you, and once again, sustained by your hard work, business savvy and perseverance.  To help you, here are some tips:

1.  Learn from the pros: Why reinvent the wheel:  Select people who have achieved the dream you’re targeting.  Take notes on what they’re doing, read what they say when they are interviewed, or if possible, talk to them.  If someone has a solid game plan in the area of expertise you’re shooting for, tailor their plan of action to your strengths.

2.  Budget: As with anything, there’s a cost to keeping your dream alive.  Gather expense information through whatever sources available and understand the monetary layout you are facing once your dream is a reality.  Custom the expenses to fit your budget.  If you need a credit card, to incorporate, or have other business end ideas, before your dream arrives is the best time to research and understand exactly what you’ll need to have in place when that special moment arrives.

cosby_woman3.  Time management: Once you sell, the demand for your time escalates, and the proportion depends on the needs of your dream and you.  In addition to basic dream survival, there are options to appear on blogs, radio, TV, you can write articles, choose on-line networking and numerous other venues.  It’s important to manage your time wisely, to choose projects best related to your strengths.  Example:  If you enjoy teaching, give workshops, on-line classes or talk at public venues.

4.  Networking: I can’t express how ultra-important solid networking is.  A good business contact can make all of the difference in the world.  Be sincere in cultivating relationships.  And, if you can, help someone else out.

The best defense in any situation, including your dreams, is a solid offense.  So, start now to plan for your success.  Then, the day your dream comes true, rather than being reactive and flounder, open your tailored plan and soar.

Thank you very much for stopping by.  I’m always interested in hearing what others do as they work to achieve their goals.  What is your strategy in achieving your dreams?


Please leave a comment to enter to win a copy of your choice of either HIS CAPTIVE or HIS WOMAN. To read the back cover blurbs for both books and to learn more about Diana, please visit yesterday’s post. And make sure to check out Diana’s website!