Bye-Bye, Baby, Bye-Bye

Youngest flew back to university on Saturday. When we picked him up at the airport for the holidays, Eldest was holding up a welcome home sign featuring this photo:

We had a most excellent Christmas, but I miss my baby!

(Nice tummy).

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. What a sweet picture! I have moments when I wish mine were still that age. Then there are times I’m grateful they’re the age they are now. Still, the ‘hello/goodbye’ syndrome is bittersweet!

  2. Thanks, Laura. Youngest (let’s call him “B”) now blames this picture for his tendency to wear his clothes until they’re threadbare. Apparently my, um, thriftiness when they were little now accounts for both of them wearing T-shirts until they are literally falling off their collars.

    But isn’t he cute? What an expression! I love the ages they are now, but when I “miss” them, I miss the little guys in a picture like this. I miss the “baby” that’s deep inside the young man my dh and I raised. But I definitely don’t miss other aspects of mothering preschoolers, LOL.

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