Tell Me Tuesday–Please!

Okay, blog-buddies, I need some good news! My life has been very stressful for the last couple of weeks. A loved one is experiencing an extremely stressful situation, as well. I can’t go into what our situations are on a public forum like a blog, but the good news is my situation is not health-related and it’s not marriage-related. The bad news is I have no clue when the stress will alleviate. Thank Elle Muse I can find a refuge in writing.

So hit me with your good news! If you need to vent, you can hit me with that, too. Misery loves company, right? But I would most like to hear about your writing goals and accomplishments. If you’re feeling great about your writing lately, tell me. Maybe it’ll rub off into other parts of my life.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. You can have my good news (Woot! Wooooooooooooooooot!!), but be aware that it will probably come crashing down the way it has a pattern of doing…

    In any event, hang tight and I hope everything gets better soon.

  2. Aw, Avery, thanks for letting me have your good news. You’re so generous! Please email B for me and let her know I’ll send her the full just as soon as I’ve polished it. 😉

    Thanks for the commiseration. And don’t think about your great news coming crashing down. Think positive. That’s how I’m trying to think regarding my major stressors, too.

    Now, note how Avery did not say what her good news is in her post? She received a full manuscript request from a major publisher. Way to go, Avery!

  3. Hang in there, Cindy!

    My good news? I got an awesome rejection, which included a referral to another agent.

    Bad news…day job still won’t let me write like I want to. I’m working on a plan to change that, though.

  4. Oh, Lexi, that’s fabulous. I love it when that happens. BEST OF LUCK with the referral.

    I hear you on the day job. It’s a very busy time of year, especially for teachers. Well, for teachers every day except summer is a very busy time of year. 🙂

  5. My good news is that I’m LOVING my job. I was apprehensive at first, but the time literally flies by and even when it’s stressful, I’m still having fun 🙂

    Sorry to hear about the stress in your loved one’s life. I have the same thing – and I’m completely powerless to help. Hope the situation for your loved one resolves itself soon.

  6. Teresa, that’s excellent news about your job.

    No clue when my loved one’s stress will alleviate. It’s a very difficult situation. No clue when my own situation will alleviate either. One day at a time.

  7. Well, we just travelled down to New Mexico to see my youngest step son get married. Even more exciting, the elder son had just been ordained enough to PERFORM the cerimony, his first one (jokes about Greener Pastors abound). We also saw the Grand baby, who is OMG three years old and big!

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