What a Difference a Week Makes…

View from our front deck, Saturday, April 19th:


Same view, Saturday,ย April 26th:


Don’t worry, it was a freak snowstorm. We don’t usually get snow in the middle of April.


By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Trust you to put a positive spin on it, Diana! The snow was the weekend I was sick in bed. I was NOT impressed.

  2. We had snowflakes in the Chicago area–just 2 days ago! None of them stuck, thank goodness, but I couldn’t believe what I was seeing out of my window…

  3. Cindy, I don’t envy you the chilly weather, but I do wish we’d get a nice coat of snow that lasts a little longer than a week or two in this neck of the woods. I miss the crispness of prairie winters. Btw, love the new look of your site…and your blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Thanks, Mary, but regarding the snow, I have three words for you: Go On Vacation. ๐Ÿ™‚ Somewhere Snowy. That Will Cure You.

    Okay, that’s 9 words.

  5. So, I’m wearing shorts, tank top and no shoes right now. And I’m glowing profusely. You know, we didn’t get a decent snow all winter. Just a coating that was gone as quickly as it landed.

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