Yes, It’s April

I’ve been so busy writing lately that I haven’t had time for the blog. I know, I’m bad. The proliferation of social networks has made the blog kind of passé, but I like that posting to my blog feeds to the social networks, which is where I get the most interaction with my blog readers. It’s so easy to reply to a blog post on Facebook, etc., why bother visiting the author’s website and commenting there? I understand the ease, and I understand the reluctance to post one’s email address in the Comment field (even though the blog admin is the only person who sees it). I don’t visit blogs anywhere near as often I used to. I used to check several author and agent blogs per day. Now, well, there doesn’t seem to be enough hours IN the day to engage in the social networking that most publishers insist the author needs to do, blog, AND write our books.

No, I’m not dismantling my blog, just providing one of my myriad excuses why I don’t post here with regularity anymore. Also, when people don’t comment ON the blog, it does make the author feel a little like there might not be interest in what I’m posting. Maybe I’m getting boring.

I’d like to say I’m going to make a concerted effort to begin blogging more frequently. And I have some professional changes coming up in June that just might very well lead to me blogging regularly. In fact, I think I’ll put that on my June to-do list.

I don’t want to announce the changes now, because they’re still in the works, but let’s just say I’m entering a new and exciting stage of my writing career. One that will put me in charge more than ever before (was I ever in charge?). Some of you will know what I’m talking about. The rest, make a guess!

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.