Happy 2011!

Allie attacked a stuffed Santa today while I was taking down the Christmas tree. I have no idea why.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Oh, SHE didn’t want to wear her costume, make no mistake, LOL. She was too chubby for the belt, and I think it offended her delicate sensibilities. She attacked the costume the rest of Christmas Day, and today she attacked the stuffed Santa!

  2. Yes, I love the look of annoyance. Usually, she’s so happy. I shouldn’t try to make my dog annoyed, I guess. Well, I didn’t TRY. I thought she’d love the costume. Another dog in the neighbourhood wears a little coat for walking in the cold. I think Allie would bite me if I tried to put her in a coat. We tried doggie boots during a cold spell a year ago and she was VERY annoyed. She’d rather hop on 3 feet during very cold days than wear doggie boots.

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