Spring Fever…Scattered Brain

Yesterday was the first day in my neck of the woods that I could honestly say felt like spring. Yay. My tulips should be blooming soon. Maybe my ears will follow. :::collective groan:::

You should expect to find the blog light on content over the next couple of weeks. With a long weekend approaching, my ‘Rents returning from their winter away, doing taxes, and badgering Youngest Son through his college finals, I can barely find time to scribble out a scene here and there. I’m in the last two or three chapters of the WIP, so that’s where I’ll be placing my focus. I want this book done, so I can put it aside and give it time to gel while I tackle a shorter project.

How about you? Want to share your writing goals, your Easter plans? Is spring visiting your part of the globe? Are your ears sprouting?

Oh, before I forget, I am hosting one guest blogger in April. The lovely Vanessa Kelly, a debut regency historical author with Kensington Publishing, is visiting April 15th. That’s next Wednesday, and, yippsee-doodle, there’ll be a book give-away involved.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Cindy, go, go, go, with those last chapters! I’m having the gang over for Easter, which means cleaning, shopping and cooking. Whimper. That’s taking up a lot of writing time, darn it.

  2. Thanks, Edie. I don’t do Easter dinner. I’m still recovering from hosting Christmas and my husband’s birthday. His bday is too close to Easter to imagine doing it again.

  3. Spring is insane for us. Two weeks after Easter it’s my son’s and my birthday. Two weeks after that is Mother’s Day. Two weeks after that is our anniversary. Two weeks after that is Father’s Day, then hubby’s b-day…I swear, it doesn’t end until the 4th of July. And I’m supposed to save money and diet through all that…not likely.

    I really, really want to start a new book. I think I forgot how.

  4. Avery, I hear you. We start with my dh’s birthday the last day of March. In April we have: BIL’s bday, my mom’s and dh’s dad’s bday. May is one kid’s, one niece’s and one nephew’s bday (and now one great-nephew, too), June is my dad’s bday and my parents’ anniversary, July is a niece’s bday and a brother and sister’s birthday, August another kid’s, September both my sis and my m-i-l. Then we get a little break until November.

    It’s not so bad now that we aren’t buying gifts for all these people, but when the nieces and nephews were young, I practically went broke at this time of year. We still buy for our parents, however.

  5. Oh, and of course everyone with a birthday in the same month are all born within two or three days of each other, LOL.

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