Famous People Meme

Taken from Trish Milburn’s blog. Yes, she created this Meme herself. Isn’t she clever? (Hint, the answer is, “Yes, Cindy, but not as clever as you!”)

FAMOUS PEOPLE MEME — Which famous person in each of the following categories would you like to meet?

Author — Margaret Atwood – not only because she’s my favorite writer, but to make up for the fact that I had an opportunity to meet her at a campus booksigning way back in my university days, but the idea of meeting my writing idol was so overwhelming that I got supremely sloshed at the Sub Pub the night before and slept through the signing. (ahem)

Movie Actor — George Clooney (because he has more gray than I do, ha ha!), or Mark Wahlberg (love his voice). What about Christian Bale? Okay, him, too. Great actor. And female? Angelina Jolie. She’s come a long way, baby. Oops, need to add another guy: Robert Downey, Jr. I love his wit.

TV Actor — Blair Underwood. Yes, I know he’s in the movies, too, but that category was getting crowded, and he was in Sex and The City for awhile. Bradley Whitford. Martin Sheen. (I was a West Wing junkie). Goran Himmineeofthecutenessself on ER. Steven Weber. I can’t make up my mind! Oh, oh!! Jimmy Smits.

Vimin? Gah, I have no room for the vimin. So let’s add Vince Vaughn and pretend he’s in TV when he’s really in film. Have you ever seen any of his dramatic stuff, before he zip-zapped into comedy? That man can act.

This is pathetic that I can’t think of any woman currently on TV… Um, um, Candice Bergen? No, William Shatner! Had to get a Canadian in there.

Oh, oh! Carol Burnett. And Michael J. Fox.

Yes, I have totally obliterated the purpose of this Meme.

Musician/Singer — Mozart & Harry Connick, Jr.

Historical Figure — Mary Queen of Scots. Elizabeth I is a fascinating choice, and I see Trish and several of her commenters chose ER I. But when I was a little girl I read a novel about Mary Queen of Scots, and I totally identified with her. But, then, I also identified with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, so I’m not sure what that says about me.

Fictional Book Character — Scarlett O’Hara.

Fictional Movie or TV Character — Gollum. I played Bilbo in a grade seven play, and that evil Gollum nearly drove me insane! I’d love to repay the favor.

As Trish says,

Okay, if you have a blog, go forth and blog. Everyone, including the bloggers, share your answers in the comments section. I’m verrry curious.

Me, too!

Just Beachy

My Liege and I were determined to spend July 4th on the lake, come rain or shine. Luckily, it didn’t rain, although at first we thought it might. Clouds hovered until the afternoon, when the sun finally broke free.

I was forced to take a self-portrait…

Because My Liege was reading… (There he is, at the very end of the left dock).

Who am I to interrupt such a worthy endeavor?

Note to Self: When holding camera so close to own face, nose looks enormous…

Behold, my photography skills:

“Choppy Waters, with Feet”

How did you spend your July 4th weekend?

For Those Who Thought…

I couldn’t go a (week)day without posting to my blog, I just did! (Um, sort of). (I just had to brag).

Piccies tomorrow!!

Profiling…Kate St. James

Well, I’m not profiling Kate St. James. But Candy Ready is. This week is Kate St. James Week at www.candyready.com. And seeing as Kate is not only a wonderful writer but a fantastically close friend, I’m passing along the news.

Candy is interviewing Kate today and tomorrow, then Wednesday will feature an excerpt from Kate’s first Secrets novella, Good Vibrations (out now, in Secrets Volume 21: PRIMAL HEAT, for those not in the know), and Thursday will feature an excerpt from Kate’s upcoming novella, Exes & Ahhs, appearing in Secrets Volume 26: BOUND BY PASSION, December 2008. Yes, that’s a long time to wait for the anthology, but Kate’s excerpt will wet your whistle! Caution, though, these excerpts are for Adult eyes only. If you’re under 18, Candy doesn’t want you visiting her website and Kate suggests you buy her books as soon as you reach your 18th birthday…and not one second sooner.

Friday features a giveaway! Kate will mail a free autographed copy of Secrets Volume 21: PRIMAL HEAT, which includes her novella, Good Vibrations, to one lucky commenter who comments this week on Candy Ready’s blog.

Over and out.

Happy Independence Day

To all my American cousins!

Yes, fellow bloggers, I have American cousins. Some were born in Canada then migrated to the U.S. so they could live close to Disneyland. That’s not the official story, but I know the truth. Others (in the same family) were born in the States. Now they are spread far and wide across the great U.S., like all of my American writer friends.

Enjoy your Independence Day. I’ve decided to celebrate with you. My Liege took the day off, and if it looks like most of the day will be sunny, you’ll find us floating on a monster-sized lake with a lake monster in it, which is an adventure in survival you don’t want to miss, let me tell you. If it starts to rain, I’ll be at home doing something far less relaxing, although I haven’t decided what yet. I’m crossing my fingers for the sun.