I’m back! Sort of. My body’s here. My mind, I’m not so sure.
Eldest Son is ensconced in his university of choice, and Youngest Son began (local) college today. Settling in E.S. required a trip out of town, but I’ve met two of his three roommates and ensured he has enough canned foods to see him through “learning to cook,” so I’m doing okay missing the little twerp. Keeping busy is the key. Today, I thoroughly cleaned the boys’ bathroom (I’m talking taking everything out, mopping everything down, scatter-painting—I believe the word for this activity is “touching up,” but it felt more like scatter-painting to me—the walls and baseboards, then moving everything back in). Now, only Y.S. is responsible for the state of the bathroom. Let’s see how that works out…
For your amusement, taken from Avery Beck’s blog:
What Your Name Says About You |
![]() Your name says that you are mostly: Inspiring but melodramatic Your name also says you are: Artistic but extreme
Hmmm. I love that “Cindy” is “inspiring,” but “melodramatic?” Give me a freaking break!!! Who the hell is this quiz to say I’m melodramatic???? I think I’ll go cry buckets.
“Artistic but extreme.” Okay, I know there’s such a thing as extreme sports, but…extreme artistry? At least it says I’m artistic, which is good, considering I’m a writer. I’ll try to look upon “extreme” as a compliment, too. “Extremely” entertaining. “Extreme,” mad writerly skills, yada.
“Unconventional but unstable.” Yes, I might fall off my chair any second. I admit I don’t have the greatest sense of balance, which undoubtedly accounts for the “unstable.”
“Shrewd but overbearing.” Another insult packed with a compliment. Well, some people don’t understand my sense of humor, so maybe I’m overbearing, but it’s not my fault. I didn’t name me Cindy.
Just for fun, I then typed in my pen name:
What Your Name Says About You |
![]() Your name says that you are mostly: Intuitive but high strung Your name also says you are: Ambitious but stubborn
Interesting, my pen name shares the exact same characteristics as Avery’s name…
Taking the whole experiment one step further, I typed in my pen name’s blog nickname (“Penny” for the uneducated). That results in :
What Your Name Says About You |
![]() Your name says that you are mostly: Commanding but aloof Your name also says you are: Passionate but flighty
Wow. “Cindy” and “Penny” are both “unconventional but unstable,” while “Penny” and my actual pen name are both “passionate but flighty.” I think it’s safe to say we can determine I am:
If that’s not a creative personality, what is?
How do you fare on this quiz? Take it…if you dare.