Pop In, Pop Out

Of my blog, that is.

Two quick things.

  1. I received an unexpected (unsolicited) “manuscript submission opportunity,” shall we say, so I’ll be scarce around the blog until mid-January. Keep checking back, but if I’m only posting once or twice a week, you’ll know why.
  2. Mystery author Wendy Roberts is my first guest blogger of 2010. Wendy’s blogging next Wednesday, January 6th, and is giving away not only her December 2009 release, DEAD AND KICKING, but also the first in her Ghost Dusters series, THE REMAINS OF THE DEAD. Her promo post is going up Tuesday, January 5th. This is just a heads-up so you know when to come back.


Green Christmas

We had a green Christmas for the first time I can remember. We’ve nearly had a green Christmas at least twice before. I distinctly remember one year back when I was around ten, or eight, or twelve (hey, it was a long time ago, the memory’s rusty) when it didn’t snow until Christmas day. And then it snowed dump trucks on us! I was so happy. Of course, I didn’t have to drive in it.

Same thing happened about a decade ago. No snow until my brother and sisters had to brave the roads for Christmas dinner at my house. Then—kablooey. Tons of snow.

I know other areas of North America are getting pummeled with the chilly white stuff as I type. Is your part of the continent white or green?

Oh, before I forget, congratulations to Lisa G., who won the Super Secret Santa Give-Away on Nobody Writes It Better! My romantic comedy, BORROWING ALEX, was included in the give-away. I’ll get the book in the mail to you this week.

Thanks to everyone who entered. I hear we had a good turn-out, which means we’ll hopefully hold another give-away next year.

Christmas Fun with the ‘007s

I’m blogging at Nobody Writes It Better today…about cats and Christmas trees. I even wrote a Christmas cat poem! Hop on over to read it.

Today’s the last day of the Super Secret Santa Give-Away over at Nobody Writes It Better as well. Click here to learn how to enter. Barbara Wallace is drawing the winner’s name later today, and Gail Fuller will announce the winner on the NWIB blog tomorrow.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

NWIB Super Secret Santa Give-Away

My group blog, Nobody Writes It Better, is holding The Super Secret Santa Give-Away from now until Christmas Eve, with the winner announced on Christmas Day. Several authors are participating, with some of us donating copies of our books and some of us donating gifts. Each author will mail her book/gift to the winner independently, so every time you visit your mailbox, you might find another present therein. Sounds like fun, no? For my part, I’m donating a copy of BORROWING ALEX.

Visit The Super Secret Santa Give-Away for details on how to enter. (Note: comments to this post, while appreciated, do not enter you in the contest. Visit the blog and follow the directions there).

RITA Under the Wire

I’m releasing a big, long sigh……of relief!

Yesterday I received my books from Penny’s publisher for this year’s RITA contest (if you’re interested in knowing what I entered, just, um, scroll down). (I’m so mysterious). I think this is the latest I’ve received the books. I consider myself very lucky that Penny’s publisher supplies my RITA copies. The volumes release in mid-December, which makes it tough to meet the January 4th receipt deadline because I can’t GET copies in Canada until AFTER the deadline. So, thank you, Red Sage.

But I was worried I wouldn’t make the deadline. Now, thanks to Express Post (which cost a pretty penny, let me tell you), I believe I will. I’ve been biting my fingernails over the RITA books making it to the RWA office in time for weeks now, so I’m very content. But it was a frantic process. Basically, I went to the post office with my “pick up your parcel” notice in hand, grabbed a massive bubble-wrap envelope off the wall, paid, then went to the car, opened the box, transferred the RITA books from the box to the envelope, and returned to the P.O. to mail off the package. I barely had time to admire the books!

At any rate, mission accomplished. Author anxiety appeased. Of course I won’t be really appeased until I can track the package and know it made it. But I’m halfway there. For me, that’s a boon.

Categorized as Contests