We had a green Christmas for the first time I can remember. We’ve nearly had a green Christmas at least twice before. I distinctly remember one year back when I was around ten, or eight, or twelve (hey, it was a long time ago, the memory’s rusty) when it didn’t snow until Christmas day. And then it snowed dump trucks on us! I was so happy. Of course, I didn’t have to drive in it.
Same thing happened about a decade ago. No snow until my brother and sisters had to brave the roads for Christmas dinner at my house. Then—kablooey. Tons of snow.
I know other areas of North America are getting pummeled with the chilly white stuff as I type. Is your part of the continent white or green?
Oh, before I forget, congratulations to Lisa G., who won the Super Secret Santa Give-Away on Nobody Writes It Better! My romantic comedy, BORROWING ALEX, was included in the give-away. I’ll get the book in the mail to you this week.
Thanks to everyone who entered. I hear we had a good turn-out, which means we’ll hopefully hold another give-away next year.