That Cindy, all she ever does is post about the audio book release of HEAD OVER HEELS. You’d think she was trying to drum up sales or something. Sheesh. Doesn’t she know I’ve already read the paperback? Doesn’t she realize that three weeks ago I bought the Kindle edition? That I purchased another ebook format from Amber Quill Press? That I haven’t bought ANY paperback or ebooks of her story? That I just come here to read her ramblings? Why does she keep annoying me about the audio book? I’m starting to feel guilty!
I woke up to find this little ditty on my blog. No idea how it got here.
I only showed up today to post the audio book cover of HEAD OVER HEELS. Because early in January I posted the back cover copy and a cover of the audio book and then the cover changed.
Whoever hi-jacked my blog to passive-aggressively lecture me on promoting my books on my own website, you should be ashamed of yourself. I’m ashamed on your behalf!
As penance, you may now purchase your audio copy of HEAD OVER HEELS.
Oh, yeah, here’s the new cover. I have a little story about the cover art, but do you really deserve to hear it?
It’s not a real story. It’s just something I made up.
Oh, now you’re sorry. Now you want to hear about my story! Or the story about the cover, anyway.
At one point in HEAD OVER HEELS, the heroine, Magee (pronounced like “Mr. Magoo”), flies head over handlebars off her mountain bike into a mud hole. For a moment, it looks like she’s passed out. But she’s a blonde, not a redhead. However, there is a redhead in the story, and Magee would love to find the redhead unconscious for a few blissful moments. Magee daydreams about the redhead flying off her bike and whacking her head on a bed of dried mud.
Okay, I made up that last sentence. However, as you can see, even though Magee is blond, the cover works! It’s the redhead getting her comeuppance on a bed of dried mud!
Now you want to buy the audio book? NOW you’re no longer complaining? Very well. I’ll provide the link yet again. Sigh.