Hey, all!
I haven’t been around the blog in quite a while. There are myriad reasons, including (a) getting in a car accident in May of 2018 that greatly affected the amount of time I was able to work at my computer; (b) my husband retiring from his “day job” in February 2019, making this a year of transition as we learn how to navigate around each other; and (c) we are renovating the entire basement, which is taking months longer than we anticipated – DH started in April – and any time I might have gotten at the computer since around August has instead been devoted to helping. Yep, I’m finally feeling good enough in my neck and shoulders to write, but instead I’m a carpenter’s assistant.
There, you have all my excuses. Life threw me an unanticipated curveball with the accident. I was rear-ended multiple times by the same fellow, who did not seem to know how to take his foot off the gas. It was kind of like being a piece of popcorn in a hot air maker while riding bumper cars at the fair. The writing, shall we say, has suffered. I promise I will get back to writing soon. In the meantime, I’ve bundled up the first two novels in LOVE IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST at a cost savings to my very patient readers. The collection includes the updated editions of HEAD OVER HEELS and BORROWING ALEX. If you haven’t read them yet, here’s your chance to save some dough over buying the books separately. If you have read one or the other before but want to check out the updated versions, this bundle is where it’s at! Expect a lot of sass, a ton of fun, some hot lovin’, and lots and lots of laughs!

Amazon: http://kindlel.ink/LovePNW_US
Amazon Canada: http://kindlel.ink/LovePNW_CA
Amazon UK: http://kindlel.ink/LovePNW_UK
Amazon Australia: http://kindlel.ink/LovePNW_AU
Apple Books: http://littl.ink/LovePNW_Apple
Barnes and Noble: http://nookl.ink/LovePNW
Google Play: http://googlel.ink/LovePNW
Kobo: http://kobol.ink/LovePNW
Wishing you all loads of love and laughter!