I’m baaack???

My site changed servers a few months ago, and because I’ve been busy recovering from a car accident and working on updated versions of Deceiving Derek and Catching Claire in Love & Other Calamities – and also writing the next three titles in the series, Before Brady, Just Janie, and Trusting Trey – I didn’t realize my blog was broken. I kept trying to publish new posts, to no avail. I spent hours on tech support with my host, to no avail. They even switched my customized Muse Interrupted theme to the 2021, theme and I still couldn’t publish a post.

Most aggravating.

I was about to hire a website designer to fix things when I decided to do ONE LAST TEST. And, well, whatever was glitching for weeks before I went away to trek through Ireland for a month is no longer glitching!

This is good because I really, really, really need to redesign my website, and I want to move it to a WordPress-based site because my web design software is on an old computer I only keep for the software. I need to get with the times and make things mobile-friendly.

So redesigning my site is on my To-Do list for this year.

That said, because I’ve been away from publishing for so long, like 5 years, I made the decision not to put any of the books in Love & Other Calamities on pre-order until all 5 are revised and edited. I’ve learned that when it comes to my neck, skull, and shoulder injuries I just need to put my health first, and besides who wants to read a connected series with months and months between releases?

If you’ve stumbled upon this post and you’ve been wondering, What happened to Cindy? Yeah, I got whacked, multiple times, from behind. And it wasn’t as fun as it sounds. 🙂 I’m now seeing a pain management specialist, getting nerve block injections every 3 months or so, and, on top of my other therapies (of which there are many), I finally feel like I can get on the path to publishing again. I can’t spend much time at the computer. I do 2-3 hours a day of physio, strengthening and yoga just to TRY to get to 4 hour days – with breaks that interrupt my flow. I would really love to get 4 to 5 4-hour writing days a week. I’m not there yet. I can get maybe 2 hour days. I can do a 3 hour day but will pay for it the next day.

I am determined, even as I am reminded that those 6 hour days are lost to me forever. So I’m gonna go ahead with my plan not to put Love & Other Calamities on pre-order until the editing process is complete.

For my readers, that means some aggravating waiting. But I thank you for your understanding.

When the updated versions of Deceiving Derek and Catching Claire are on sale, I’ll let you know here. I won’t be creating new website pages for the series – I will just be putting the links here and/or pointing you to pages hosted on a site like Books2Read or my SleekBio. When I design my new website, I WILL create separate pages for each title, but because of my injuries it seems not a very wise use of my limited time to make 3 new website pages on an old computer with old software and THEN redesign the entire site.

Thank you for your understanding!

PS. You never know, I might change my plans and update my old site before redesigning the new site. If so, I’ll also announce that here.


Just testing

Haven’t been able to publish a post in forever.

No idea why.