I’m 6 weeks out from my surgery and still have a long way to go on my journey, but I’m keeping my toes in the writing world when I can.
I’m busy updating DMARC records (gobbledegook for email deliverability rules that are coming into place on February 1st.)
I’ve done a light edit on PICTURE IMPERFECT to update some word choices and tech. Happy to report that I only found one typo!
I’m about to upload the new editions of the book and will let you know when it’s ready. Same cover, no big changes. Just minor edits.
My books can always use more reviews, and because I had a medical challenge in 2023 that will be continuing into this year, I didn’t do a great job getting ARCs out for BEFORE BRADY. But some fab reviews have come in from readers around the world!
5 Stars! “Every girl wants to meet Mr. Right, but sometimes it takes a long time to figure out that Mr. Right might not check all the boxes.” CA Cindy on Amazon (not me, I promise)
5 Stars! “I loved Alicia and Brady’s story . . .great characters, sparky interaction and a little steam . . . plus terrific humor.” Laura on Amazon Canada
5 Stars! “Alicia is missing her chance with Brady. This was a really good story where Alicia needed to figure out how to “multi-task”. This was a fun and enjoyable story with some great steam.” Deb on Amazon Canada
Thank you, readers!

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