I’m A Twit

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve broken down and joined Twitter. I confess, I’m finding it ultra-confusing. I don’t understand how to use the @, and I pretty much don’t care. I’ll try to get over there every couple of days to see if it suits me. I’m sure I’ll get used to it over time. Or, you know, if I bothered to read the help files. But I’m very busy right now tackling a mountain of To-Do’s on my desk, and figuring out Twitter isn’t high on my list.

Okay, now that I’ve got you intrigued, if you want to follow me on Twitter, here’s my page. I’m there as cindypk, because Cindy Procter-King is two characters too long (even without spaces) for their user name thingie.

Done Like Dirt!

Is dirt ever really done? You can always till it, plant something in it, jam it full of water so you can pack it into mud balls and chuck it at someone.

It’s the same way with writing. Are we ever really done?

I’m finished my WIP! Finished like spinach! Done like dirt! Over like clover! Kaput like…whatever.

Okay, I lie…a little. I’m still working on the last line. I like my last lines to somehow relate to an overall theme in the story or a thread of conversation, etc. I’m currently toiling to come up with a clever last line for SEX, PIs & PACKING TAPE that will accomplish the latter. However, so far  it’s eluding me. So I’m fuggettingaboutit and declaring myself done. The manu is going bye-bye for two weeks, so I can clear my mind and return to it with fresh eyes. So I can see the forest and not just the proverbial trees. Or the entangled branches, as per this offering from one of my Sunday Walks:


What will I do during those two weeks? A lot and lot of filing. Some long overdue shopping. Updating photo albums (I’m only behind 3.5 years, which is actually fantastic in the Updating Photo Albums world), maybe clean a bit of the house (note: a bit), THINK about painting the deck trim, which sorely, sorely needs it, but, honestly, the thinking could take me 10 months. I’m also going to start brainstorming a new project for Penny. She’s going to try writing her first short story. So the next time you hear me whining, it’ll probably be about that.

In the meantime, Elle Muse is taking over with PACKING TAPE. She can mull the whole thing over, so when I come back to it in two weeks, it’ll read like an amazing, saleable, totally marketable story I should submit right away. However, I’m already thinking I might need one more scene that includes the villain. Maybe, maybe not. I don’t want to consciously think about it now. We’ll see in two weeks.

Categorized as Writing

IE 8 Problem Fixed!

I’m thrilled to report that, thanks to Vivian Lund of Electric Webs, my issue with Internet Explorer 8 glitching my blog is now fixed. Thank you, Vivian. You’re a gem!

The glitch came along at the right time. The 2007 Golden Heart finalists group, of which I am a member, are gearing up to open a group blog in the middle of June. I had a gander at the design the other day and noticed an IE 8-inspired glitch there as well. We (the management team) alerted the designer, and she fixed it lickety-split.

The Last Scene

I am writing/revising the last scene of my WIP. Yippee-yahoo! That’s all that needs to be said. There were times I never thought I’d get here. But I’m here. I’m really here! And I like me. I really like me! Er, um, it. I really like it. The book, that is. Until I’m done writing and revising the scene, it’s “not my baby” (as Allie McBeagle would say). So the jury’s still out on whether I actually like the scene or not. Rest assured, I will love it when it’s done.

Phew. What’s going on in your world?

Categorized as Writing

Are Blogs Passé?

Aren’t I fancy with the accent on the passé? Drove me nuts trying to get it to appear. Then I remembered, gotta use the number pad, NOT the keyboard numbers. Yes, when the mind works, it’s a wonderful thing.

Last week, on one of my writing lists, a writer I respect said she feels that blogs are becoming passé, if they aren’t already. That, basically, in this age of social networking (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) and micro-blogging (Twitter, some aspects of Facebook), blogs are no longer the “place to be” (my words, not hers). I’ve been thinking about this. I personally don’t feel that blogs are passé. Yes, I have a MySpace page and I’m on Facebook, but I still feel blogs are a great way for writers to connect with readers and other writers. For one thing, you don’t have to belong to a blogging network in order to read and post on a blog. At least, you don’t have to with WordPress blogs (such as mine). You don’t have to log in. The most you might have to do is enter a bunch of mixed-up letters in a Captcha and provide a valid email address so you aren’t relegated to spam.

Some blogs do require commenters to log in, but it’s not a must across the board, like it is with Facebook and MySpace, etc.

I’m not into MySpace. It was fun in the beginning, but I quickly grew tired of receiving friend requests from people with huge, ungainly layouts that take forever to load (and I’m on cable). I’ll maintain my presence there, but I’m not actively seeking friends on MySpace.

I enjoy Facebook much more than MySpace, and, I admit, I primarily like Facebook because I play FB Scrabble with several writer friends there. Like when I’m eating lunch or printing out pages for a scene I’ve just drafted and need to revise. Or when my mind needs a quick, two-minute break.

Blogs, for me, are easy, because I keep a list of my favorite blogs in my blogroll. A couple times a week, it’s easy to click through and read what my favorite bloggers have been up to. Again, usually, no logging in. If I have to log in to comment on someone’s blog, I’m far less likely to comment.

What about you? Do you prefer blogs or social networking sites like MySpace or micro-blogging sites like Twitter? If you don’t blog, do you feel pressure to blog? (Why?) If you don’t belong to social networking sites, why or why not? Do you feel that you should join? Do you wish the proliferation of social networking sites WOULD JUST STOP so you wouldn’t have to worry about it?

If you weren’t an author, would you have a presence on Facebook or MySpace or Twitter? If you weren’t an author, would you have a blog?

Internet Explorer 8 Argh!!!

Last night I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 as part of my automatic updates package. Then I visited my blog. Argh, there’s a vertical line to the right of my header. Does anyone else see it?

Also, sometimes when the blog loads, I not only get the vertical line, but graphic elements in the left of the header and around the rollovers are affected, as well. Strangely, when I pass my mouse over the menu rollovers, the graphics correct themselves, and then I only have the aggravating vertical line to the right of my header.

I see IE8 comes with a “Compatability View” button at the top of the browser to the left of the Reload button. If I click this button, I don’t have the issues with the out-of-place graphic elements, I only get the aggravating vertical line. But then what does that mean to other browsers out there? That my blog will look all messed up unless they have clicked that Compatability View button as well.

I’m really not impressed. I’ve updated and checked all my other browsers (Opera, Firefox, SeaMonkey, and Safari) and of course Internet Explorer 8 is the only one that creates this problem. Unfortunately, it’s the predominant browser of use, so I need to ensure my site displays correctly in the dratted IE. Ergh, argh, triple-Bill-the-Cat gack!

I’ve contacted the web designer who did my blog coding for me when I could not manage it myself. Hopefully she can get me out of this mess.