I’m (Nearly) Back

Eldest Son flies back to university tonight—unless he gets snowed in again, heh, heh. Then he’ll have to stay another day.

At any rate, I’m nearly ready to return to the world of blogging. Keep checking back. While you’re at it, let me know how your holiday went. Did you have a good time?

Grunge Beagle


“Tonight I’m gonna party like tomorrow’s 2009.”

Have a safe and wonderful New Year’s Eve!

Categorized as This & That

BookEnds Pitch Critiques

Okay, I said I was going on Blogiday, but I’ve accomplished a ton of Christmas stuff the last couple of days, so I have a moment to pass along the news that Jessica Faust of BookEnds, LLC is taking pitches to critique while she’s on holiday. Here’s the post and a blippy from it:

To participate, you’ll need to submit your one-paragraph pitch in the comments section of this post. I will not consider pitches posted in other posts or those e-mailed to me and I certainly won’t take pitches from any query letters I receive. Over the course of the next two weeks I’m going to randomly select and critique (on the blog) as many as I can. Since I’m officially on vacation over the course of these two weeks the posts will truly be random. In other words, I’m going to do whatever I want. I’ll post them whenever I want and I’ll critique anywhere from three to three hundred, depending on my mood.

Pretty nifty, huh?

I’m not participating, but whenever I have a spare moment I’ll be hopping over there to have a gander at the pitches and Jessica’s comments. It’s always a great learning experience and reminds me just how subjective this business is.


Going on Blogiday

Happy holidays to all my blog readers!

I’m getting caught up in the Christmas rush and need to devote all my “spare time” (ha, ha, what’s that?) to my WIP, so I’m going on Blog Holiday for the rest of the year. You never know, I might pop in again if I have industry news to pass along or if something major happens in my writing life, but don’t count on it. I think 2008 has given me all it can writing-wise, and I’m looking forward to a productive, beneficial, and mile-stoney 2009.

See you in January!

Categorized as This & That