Profiling…Kate St. James

Well, I’m not profiling Kate St. James. But Candy Ready is. This week is Kate St. James Week at And seeing as Kate is not only a wonderful writer but a fantastically close friend, I’m passing along the news.

Candy is interviewing Kate today and tomorrow, then Wednesday will feature an excerpt from Kate’s first Secrets novella, Good Vibrations (out now, in Secrets Volume 21: PRIMAL HEAT, for those not in the know), and Thursday will feature an excerpt from Kate’s upcoming novella, Exes & Ahhs, appearing in Secrets Volume 26: BOUND BY PASSION, December 2008. Yes, that’s a long time to wait for the anthology, but Kate’s excerpt will wet your whistle! Caution, though, these excerpts are for Adult eyes only. If you’re under 18, Candy doesn’t want you visiting her website and Kate suggests you buy her books as soon as you reach your 18th birthday…and not one second sooner.

Friday features a giveaway! Kate will mail a free autographed copy of Secrets Volume 21: PRIMAL HEAT, which includes her novella, Good Vibrations, to one lucky commenter who comments this week on Candy Ready’s blog.

Over and out.

Happy Independence Day

To all my American cousins!

Yes, fellow bloggers, I have American cousins. Some were born in Canada then migrated to the U.S. so they could live close to Disneyland. That’s not the official story, but I know the truth. Others (in the same family) were born in the States. Now they are spread far and wide across the great U.S., like all of my American writer friends.

Enjoy your Independence Day. I’ve decided to celebrate with you. My Liege took the day off, and if it looks like most of the day will be sunny, you’ll find us floating on a monster-sized lake with a lake monster in it, which is an adventure in survival you don’t want to miss, let me tell you. If it starts to rain, I’ll be at home doing something far less relaxing, although I haven’t decided what yet. I’m crossing my fingers for the sun.

It’s Improv, Eh?

I’m stretching Canada Day to Canada Two-Day. Why? Because we had record-breaking heat a couple of days ago and my air conditioner is on the fritz. I need an infusion of the Great White North.

For those too :::ahem::: young to recognize this pair of hosers, Rick Moranis (playing Bob on the left, looking at your computer screen) went on to play that geeky guy in Ghostbusters who turns into a living gargoyle, and he also starred in the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids movies and is in perpetual re-runs at the Honey, I Shrunk the Audience 3-D show at Disneyland and DisneyWorld. Dave Thomas (not that Dave Thomas), who plays Doug on the right, is probably best known to American audiences for appearing with Brett Butler in the nineties sitcom, Grace Under Fire.

See, you can start off as a bumbling fool and go on to greater and better things. Maybe there’s hope for me after all, eh?

Please Ask Me First

How do you feel about the practice of authors signing you up for their newsletters—whether electronic or print—without your permission? I’m not asking this because I plan to sign up a bunch of people to my newsletter without asking. I have a handy-dandy little box in the upper right corner of this blog where anyone can subscribe if they wish. There’s also a clickable graphic on my Home page and info on my Contact page (I’m nothing if not persistent). The bases are pretty much covered. No, I’m asking because finding myself signed up for an author’s newsletter without me actually subscribing to the newsletter myself is one of my readerly pet peeves. And it’s a big one.

I’m not talking when you enter a contest with the understanding that the author will sign you up for her newsletter—you know, because the contest rules explain that that’s exactly what will happen. In that case, I’m fair game. I’m not talking “Join My Newsletter List and You Will Be Entered in a Draw to Win a Free Copy of My Book” contests, either. In these cases, I know what I’m getting into, and I’ve done the “Join My Newsletter” contest thing myself. What really annoys me, though, is when I’ve emailed an author about something totally unrelated to her newsletter, and then I find myself subscribed to that newsletter. Then, despite requests to get removed from the newsletter list, I continue receiving them.

Or, the biggest annoyance…

Several years ago while I was unpublished I finaled in a contest in which a well known multi-published author judged my entry. Being a polite little Canadian and following the contest coordinator’s suggestion, I wrote thank you notes to all my judges, including Judge Promo Hound. To my surprise, I suddenly found myself on Judge Promo Hound’s snail-mail list. Two to four times a year, I receive glossy newsletters from JPH that elicit a cursory glance, then go in recycling. These days the newsletters don’t even elicit the cursory glance. I should point out that I have only ever bought one of JPH’s novels, and the purchase had nothing to do with my receipt or lack thereof of her newsletters. In fact, I bought the novel before JPH added my name to her mailing list without my permission. It’s not that I’m not buying her novels because she added me to her snail mail list. Not to continue buying her novels was purely a “her books are not my cup of tea” decision. So for her to continue sending me newsletters I didn’t ask for is a big waste of time in the first place, is it not?

Yes, I suppose I could have written Judge Promo Hound and asked her to remove me from her newsletter list. But why should I have to waste the paper and the stamp? Then a friend suggested an utterly brilliant idea that one would think I could have come up with myself (sadly, I didn’t). A few weeks ago I received yet another glossy, multi-page newsletter from Judge Promo Hound, so I followed my friend’s advice and simply wrote “Not at this Address” or “Return to Sender” (I can no longer recall which) on the envelope and dropped it back into the mailbox. My friend is convinced that this action will result in my name being removed from JPH’s mailing list. We shall see…