Knowing me, it’ll take awhile before I add the info to the BORROWING ALEX book page, so I’ll update here that the trade paperback edition is now available not only on Amazon
, but also Canadian Amazon, Amazon UK, and Barnes and Noble. Just follow the links!
The book is “in stock” on both the main Amazon
site, UK Amazon and Barnes and Noble, however, if you want to order from Canadian Amazon, the estimated shipping time is 4-6 weeks. I usually find the shipping times shorter than Canadian Amazon says, but it looks like if you wanted to order paperback copies of BORROWING ALEX for Christmas prezzies, well, I wouldn’t count on getting them before December 25th. Mid-January prezzies are more like it. New Year prezzies!
However, WHERE SHE BELONGS and HEAD OVER HEELS are both “in stock” at Canadian Amazon
with the customary free shipping for orders over $25. And they are available on the Amazon, UK Amazon, and Barnes and Noble stores mentioned above. WHERE SHE BELONGS is available in both hardcover (Five Star/Cengage) or Trade Paperback (Blue Orchard Books).
BORROWING ALEX, as well as HEAD OVER HEELS and WHERE SHE BELONGS should also be available for Special Order from your local bookstore. Special Order means that the store can order them through the distributors Ingrams or Baker & Taylor, but whether the store WANTS to order them is another matter and out of my hands. There’s no harm in asking, though. These decisions vary from store to store, depending on whether they feel they can cover their overhead for ordering the book.
All three books are published by Blue Orchard Books. Here are the ISBNS (number identifying the book for bookstore staff to look up in their distribution networks for Special Orders):
BORROWING ALEX: 9780988088436
WHERE SHE BELONGS: 9780988088467
HEAD OVER HEELS: 9780988088429
Go forth and elf yourself. And don’t forget to spell Procter-King with an E!