Tell Me Tuesday–The Lories!

Yippee, I’m having an excellent Tuesday. Last night I found out that BORROWING ALEX WON the Contemporary category of the From the Heart Romance Writers’ The Lories Best Published contest. The winners of each category now go to a bookseller for ranking, and the ultimate overall winner will receive a conference fee to RWA National or Romantic Times or a similar conference. How cool is that?

Other than that, I need to do page proofs (also called galleys or author’s alterations, depending on the publisher) for my Alter Ego’s December ’08 release. I want to finish writing a scene in my cindypk WIP first. But after that I better get hopping on the page proofs, because My Liege was very, very sick beginning Sunday night. He spent all yesterday in bed and bagged out in front of the TV. I’m hoping I don’t catch it. I have too much to do. Egad, can you imagine if I were going to Romantic Times this year? Where would I fit in the page proofs? I just learned about them on the weekend. If I were going to RT, I’d have been extremely busy these last couple of days. As it is, I don’t need to have them back to my editor until Saturday, which is very do-able, whether I get sick or not.

How’s everyone else? Good news to report? Yucky news? What are you working on?

Welcome to My New Website

Hi everyone! I am totally thrilled beyond belief to announced the unveiling of my new website design. Who designed it? I did. That’s why I’m totally thrilled “beyond belief.” I love web design, but it consumes me (translation: distracts me from writing).  So to finally have the new design up and (hopefully) looking great is a humongous weight off my shoulders.

I have to give a shout out to the amazing Vivian Lund of Electric Webs. I tried my best to customize the default WordPress theme to match my new web design, but the results were less than spectacular. Okay, I’ll admit it, they were disastrous. Well, maybe not that bad. I had all the elements, but know zilch about PHP and CSS, so there were all these little niggy-noggy things in my theme that shouldn’t have been there. Vivian came to my rescue and fixed the blog lickety-split. If left to me, the blog design would have taken another two centuries. So thank you, Vivian.

Please check out my news digs–and not just the blog. In fact, if you like book give-aways, I would suggest very strongly that you take a look around at the other pages. Because, in celebration of my new website, I’m holding a contest to give one lucky reader a free, autographed trade paperback copy of BORROWING ALEX. Yup, I’m generous. Can’t help it. But not so generous that I won’t make you do some work to find out how to enter the contest. 

Contest ends Friday, April 18th, so get browsing.

Oh, and if you notice something absurdly wrong with my new website (as in something isn’t working, not that you hate it), please email me.


“Accolades Accepted, Insults Ignored.”