It’s the last day of my five-day free promotional run on Amazon with my small-town contemporary romance, WHERE SHE BELONGS. Yesterday, Tuesday, the book logged over 80,000 downloads and remained #2 in the Kindle Free store until the afternoon, when it briefly climbed to a second hit at #1. That was super exciting. Later, it dropped to #3 overall and #2 in Romance as another worthy author (and fellow Golden Heart finalist sister from the year WHERE SHE BELONGS finaled) took the #1 romance slot.
This morning I woke up totally expecting the book to still be the #3 spot or lower. After today, I imagine it will drop off the Top 100 Free Kindle list completely, because, well, it will no longer be free. I don’t believe the books slowly drop off the list. If they aren’t free, they aren’t on the list at all. Whether I hit the paid lists or not once the book goes back to paid status remains to be seen. I’m not holding my breath for that to happen, although it would be wonderful if it did. I obviously would like to make some paid sales of the book, but it’s not something in my control. Just like this entire wonderful free run hasn’t truly been in my control. I am totally amazed at how readers have responded to the opportunity to download my book and to give me a chance as an author. Thank you so much everyone for taking a chance on a pretty much unknown-to-most-of-you romance author.
I just had to take another screen shot this morning. I have no clue what will happen with WHERE SHE BELONGS up until the point the free promotion ends just before midnight. So I have to enjoy these moments. It might never happen again!
If you haven’t grabbed your free copy yet, here’s the link!