Kobo is having a 25/35/50% off promotion now (October 17th) until October 20th, and WHERE SHE BELONGS was selected for the 50% promo! Thank you, Kobo! To get WHERE SHE BELONGS, my small-town contemporary romance set in a fictional British Columbia logging town, at 50% off exclusively through Kobo, please visit the book page and make sure to use the Promo Code SAVE50 at checkout.
Here’s the landing page for other titles in a wide variety of genres:
Kobo recently announced that they are now accepting reader ratings and reviews on books. If you’ve read any of my books on a Kobo device/bought the books from Kobo and wish to leave a rating or a review, just follow this link. That should bring up a list of my Kobo books that you can then click to leave a rating or a review. For some reason, when I click the link, I see two copies of each book and I don’t know why.
Just something to explore, if you’re interested. And thanks in advance!
I keep forgetting to mention that, because of the Mother’s Day 99 cent sale for WHERE SHE BELONGS, the book hit the Kindle Top 100 Bestsellers for a day! Very excited about that. The book played around on the Kindle Top 100 Romance list for a few days, also Top 100 Contemporary Romance, and, as of this typing, although returning to regular price (still less than a latte), WHERE SHE BELONGS remains on the Kindle Top 100 Women’s Fiction-Romance list! It might not be there much longer, but it’s there now. Yip-and-yoodle!
I have to get excited about this stuff because I’m not a big enough name to hit the bestseller lists without the right advertising and sale prices. And the right advertising can be difficult to obtain.
Hey, while I’m mentioning Bestseller lists, WHERE SHE BELONGS hit the Contemporary Romance Bestsellers for Kobo, too. Way to go, Kobo!
Now the apology part. The book never did lower in price on the Barnes & Noble website. Correspondence occurred between my Nook assistant in the U.S. and the Nook folks, who said they’d try their best to lower the price before the sale. Alas, it did not occur and I’m sure the timing of the weekend didn’t help. The technical issue has now resolved, but the promotion has elapsed.
I am very sorry for those Nook readers who would have liked to buy the book on promotion and couldn’t. Please accept my apologies. It is frustrating enough that Nook readers often miss out on free book promotions, because the only way an indie book can go free on Nook at the moment is if it’s distributed through a third party like Smashwords or, coming soon, Draft2Digital. But not for indie authors going direct to Nook. While it’s usually relatively simple for an indie author to schedule a 99 cent promotion on Nook (dependant on obtaining the advertising necessary to drive the sale, the visibility, to readers), this time, uh, not so much.
In other exciting news, I caught the mother of all chest viruses over a week ago and am still recovering. That’s my excuse for not beginning to blog about my time in Australia. I’m still sorting through the photos. Plus, I’m working through a couple of critiques/line edits of my upcoming contemporary romance/mystery, PICTURE IMPERFECT. I figure, what would a reader rather me do, blog about my holidays or get a new release out? What, you mean you want me to do both?
In celebration of Mother’s Day, my contemporary small-town romance, WHERE SHE BELONGS, which features a subplot about the healing of the relationship between mother and daughter (complete with Jess’s mom’s point-of-view scenes), is on sale for 99 pennies! From now until May 14th.
The book is available for 99 cents at Amazon, Amazon Canada (and other Amazons around the world), Kobo, Apple iBooks, and while it should be available for 99 cents at Nook as well, Nook Press has been glitching, and, as of this typing, the sale price hasn’t gone through. If you’re a Nook reader, keep checking the link. Hopefully it will lower by Sunday or Monday. Keep checking until May 15th.
WHERE SHE BELONGS has over 50 5-Star and over 50 4-Star reviews on Amazon, plus received a 4-Star review from RT BookReviews.
What’s it About?
She never wants to go home again.
For Jess Morgan, Destiny Falls holds too many painful memories. Nine years ago, a logging accident near the remote timber town killed her dad and her high school sweetheart. To make matters worse, her mother quickly sought comfort with another man. That choice tore Jess apart and drove her to seek a life far away. But now fate steps in, and family obligations force her return home. Before long, she’s convinced that persuading her mom to live with her in Toronto will repair their shattered bond. However, she doesn’t count on a long-ago friend re-entering her life and challenging her convictions.
Rugged forester Adam Wright believes in family, roots, and not running from heartache. Now, all he wants is to help Jess break down the walls of the lonely sanctuary she’s built for herself and heal her past hurts. It’s not until she rejects his plans for their future that he realizes his persistence is pushing her away—not at all what he intends.
Has he lost his chance? Or can he convince Jess that where she truly belongs is with him…forever?
NOOK (Please double-check that the book price has been lowered for NOOK before clicking to buy.)
My apologies about the pricing glitch at Barnes and Noble NOOK. Unfortunately, it’s not something I can control. Keep checking back on the NOOK link to see if B&N has corrected things on their end. The sales price might not be there now, but maybe by Sunday or Monday. Cross your fingers!
All the proceeds of this fundraiser will go to benefit the Diabetes Research Institute, which is doing some phenomenal work. So many people’s lives are affected by this terrible disease–it’s one of our deadliest. So let’s join together and see it become a thing of the past–for my son and millions of others.
So far, we’ve raised over $2 million. Here’s hoping we can add another $500,000 to that total in 2014.
I’ve donated an eBook edition of BORROWING ALEX for inclusion in two multi-author auction items. The first is the Contemporary Romance Prize from Marcia James, which includes 12 dog-themed paperbacks and ebooks plus over 16 other pet-themed goodies. I’m joined in this package with authors Edie Ramer, Marcia James, Gemma Brocato, Dale Mayer, Barbara Raffin and Tori Scott. Every romance features a dog. In my case, there are two dogs in BORROWING ALEX.
BORROWING ALEX is also featured in the Curl Up With Romance package put together by Tonya Kappes. In this case, all the romances (two ebooks and two paperbacks) include cats, and my donation features a toothless Siamese cat named Rusty (long story). Other authors include Phoebe Conn, Lynn Hubbard and Grace Greene.
Go ahead, make a bid. It’s for a good cause! And there are tons of other auction items from which to choose.