Head Over Heels 99 Cents at Amazon for a Limited Time!

HEAD OVER HEELS just dropped to .99 at Amazon! That’s a savings of two bucks, folks. Imagine what you could do with that other two bucks—like check out my short stories, buy some thread, half a coffee, an entire chocolate bar, or a pack of gum!

HEAD OVER HEELS will remain for sale at .99  until midnight, June 29th.

In other words, get it while you can!


Canadian Amazon

UK Amazon

If you’re in Europe, check out the Amazon store for your country. Here’s an easy cut and paste for the search bar: Cindy Procter-King Head Over Heels.

If you’re typing in the name without cutting and pasting, remember to spell Procter with an E. I’m on a mission. World domination of Procter spelled with an E!

Fool for Love Week!

In honor of April Fool’s Day, the price of my romantic comedy ebook, HEAD OVER HEELS, has been lowered to 99 cents until April 5th! That’s Monday to Friday, alllllllllll week. Well, actually I’m posting this on March 31st. And the book is already on sale at the retail outlets listed below, so “hop” to it. Here are the links. Please feel free to share!


Amazon Canada

Amazon UK




All Romance EBooks – where the price is actually $1.02 because of how they work discounts, but where you can buy PDF, .mobi (Kindle) or ePub formats. If you have a Sony reader, ARe is a great place to buy ePubs instead of waiting (seemingly forever, it seems) for the books to appear on the Sony store. HEAD OVER HEELS is at Sony, but unfortunately is not on sale over there.