Tell Me Tuesday

Phew, Motherhood Madness is almost over! In fact, I’m over the biggest hump and can now put most of my focus toward writing again. All last week, when I was able to sit at the computer, I was headed off on the wrong tangent on my WIP. I implored Elle Muse for an answer. Finally, and quite suddenly (while I was driving, of course, and didn’t have a notepad handy—bad writer), the answer came to me. I was writing the wrong damn scene. As soon as I admitted such, ideas for the scene I should have been trying to draft came flooding in. I didn’t get a chance to fast-draft the scene until yesterday, however, I’m already onto revisions (I’m a revise-as-I-go writer). Praise be to Elle!

Anyone else? Is your writing going smoothly? Hardly (as in hardly at all)? Or some variation of the two?

Oh, and before I forget, editor Deb Werksman of Sourcebooks is taking questions at the Casablanca authors blog today. Deb is very approachable, so if you’re interested in Sourcebooks, hop over and have a gander at the sub-genres she’s acquiring, ask a question if you’re so inspired.

Now I must get back to those scene revisions. Tally-ho!

By the way, if anyone knows how to use the Visual editor for WordPress 2.5.1 to insert links, please tell me. What was once so simple in 2.3.2 (or whatever I was using before—that’s close enough) is now impossible in WP 2.5.1. I keep having to go to the HTML editor to insert my links (yes, I’m lazy).

Okay, now I’m really leaving.

Psst…Wanna Know a Secret?

A little birdie told me that the finalists of the Red Sage writing contest will be announced tonight, at the monthly Red Sage chat at Writerspace. Nine p.m. EST. Be there or be…well, uninformed, I guess.

Also, this recently in from the Red Sage blog:

Meet a Red Sage Editor!  

Will you be attending RWA’s national conference in San Francisco?

Would you like to pitch your work in person to a Red Sage editor?

If so, email your name and email address to [email protected] and you will be scheduled for a short, one-on-one pitch appointment! Most pitches will be held on Thursday, July 31, 2008, though some may be held on Friday, August 1, 2008.

These are “bonus” appointments. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already scheduled pitch appointments through RWA. You can still get one of these special pitch meetings! All you have to do is email your name and email address to [email protected].

Pitch appointments will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Don’t delay! The schedule is filling fast!

Red Sage Publisher Alexandria Kendall, managing editor Theresa Stevens, and senior editor Alicia Rasley will be taking the pitches.

The latest from the Red Sage blog:

Bonus appointments for RWA nationals are filling fast. We will make every effort to accommodate all requests, and are seeking alternate room arrangements to handle the overflow. If you’ve already requested an appointment, you should be receiving an email confirmation within the next few days. If you haven’t already requested an appointment and would like one, please email your name and contact email address to:
[email protected]

All appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis, but we really do want to hear pitches from everyone who requests appointments. Details of time and location will follow just as soon as we can provide them.

You heard it here first! (Or second, or third…depending on how blog-hoppy you are).