Healthy Writer

My fellow 007 GH finalist sister, Trish Milburn, has just opened Healthy Writer, a blog devoted to encouraging sedentary individuals to get in shape (you know, those of us who sit in front of a computer all day). What a great idea, Trish. Check it out!

I admit, I am pretty sedentary in nature. Look under Athlete in the dictionary and you won’t find a picture of moi, that’s for sure. I walk every day, sometimes twice a day, thanks to my dog, however. I don’t know if I’d adhere to my schedule without the dog… When you have a dog and you’ve trained them to expect two walks a day, unless one of your kids (like mine) is responsible for the afternoon walks, you’re going on two walks a day whether you like it or not. Dogs are personal trainers in a hair suit.

Every other day, the day we aren’t going on a short (15-20 minute) morning walk, the McBeag and I go for what I call a “run/walk.” It doesn’t qualify as a “run,” because we don’t run all the way. We run about 10-15 minutes to the dog park, then she gets to sniff or attempt to drown herself in the creek (depending on how hot it is), or play with other dogs, then we walk the rest of the way home (about another half hour). If I have to walk her again in the afternoon (every Monday while both kids are home, then two or three times a week once Eldest Son hies himself back to university), then she only gets the short 15-20 minute walk again.

As for the running, I’d try to extend the duration—but the dog park’s in the middle, what can I do? And I can only stand so much torture. I’m not a running fiend, never have been. It’s easier with the dog. Her attempts to sniff everything along the road keep my mind occupied. Without her, I Hate Running. It’s good for my heart, which is why I do it, but it makes my back ache. Oh, well, that’s what massage therapists are for. I could not run every other day without my twice-monthly massage.

How do you cope with the sedentary nature of a writer’s life?

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. At least you’re trying, CP-K. My exercise is nothing more than chasing after grandkids all day, and most of that is yelling. ::grin:: We don’t live in an area where it’s safe to walk. Not because we’d get mugged, but there are no sidewalks, and people fly down our street like it’s the interstate at 1 a.m. I bought a brand new treadmill in March, but it isn’t even out of the box yet. I even bought a dog, thinking that would be incentive. She stays in the backyard all day, while I sit at the ‘puter.

    Keep up the good work! And I’ll definitely check out Trish’s blog.

  2. Yes, no one can ever say that I don’t try, Rox. 🙂

    We don’t have sidewalks, either. Just on one very narrow road. But there are a ton of runners and bicyclists in the area. In fact, half the time the problem is getting THEM to share the road with the vehicles!

    I think chasing after grandkids all day sounds strenuous!

  3. I loved Trish’s blog idea, too!
    Unfortunately, we don’t have a dog–just a pet guinea pig–and he is a creature I can outrun with far too little effort. 🙂 I desperately need to get some more *real* exercise…and it wouldn’t hurt if I ate sweets less often, too!

  4. I don’t know, Marilyn. I think the guinea pig would look cute with a little collar and leash attached. So what if he’s a slow runner? If you run fast, he could be a little guinea pig kite up in the air behind you.

  5. I jog a couple of miles around the neighborhood three days a week after I drop off the kiddos at preschool. Used a treadmill for years and it finally got too boring. Running outside is SO much better. The sounds of birds and lawn mowers and sprinklers are quite relaxing…

  6. We belonged to a gym for years before moving here. Tried one here, but it just didn’t work out (oops – no pun intended!), so we were thrilled when my mum gave us money as a house warming present – we bought an elliptical trainer. Sean has since added a very basic weight machine that he uses. I try to get down to the basement for a workout at least three to four mornings a week.

    We also walk a lot (our mailbox is about 20 mins away on foot) and when I’m at work, I’m on my feet most of the day. Though with my shifts cut right back starting in August, I won’t have the same benefits from that.

    I have a pedometer and use it from time to time to keep track of how active I am.

    All that being said, there are still days I spend on my bu** in front of the computer. Just like with writing, it can sometimes be hard to motivate myself.

  7. Hi Avery, I had a treadmill for awhile. It wasn’t electric, though, and, like you, I get bored watching TV while attempting to run.

    Two miles 3 days a week sounds great. I wonder if I could keep up my sad little running schedule if not for the dog. She forces me out there even on the days I don’t want to go. I think I miss maybe 5 days a year at the most (due to illness or a weekend away).

  8. Teresa, cute pun, LOL.

    We have a weight machine for one of our kids downstairs. I tried it for a couple of weeks, but it’s not my thing. I always wind up hurting myself somehow.

    That’s good you have to walk for your mail. Instant exercise!

  9. I personally LOATHE the weight machine and generally don’t use it. I have hand weights instead and try to remember to heft them while I’m on the elliptical trainer (yeah, I multi-task even when I exercise *g*). And, of course, there’s all those books I carry around at work 🙂

  10. I have an English setter, field type (hunting dog, though we don’t take her hunting), a high energy breed. If I don’t take her for a walk every day, I feel guilty. She really looks forward to it.

    I used to strength train 3 times a week. I’m trying to get back to it, and I’ve been strength training 2 times a week for the past few weeks.

  11. Good for you, Edie. Yes, setters are very high energy, aren’t they? She sounds beautiful.

    Allie McBeagle gets VERY antsy if 9 a.m. passes and we haven’t left the house. Same thing at 3 p.m. The boys always walked her after school, and when it’s three she suddenly starts poking her nose at everyone, anyone, who might take her for a walk.

    To think I had to carry her home on her first walk!

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