I Resolve To…Murder

By Wendy Robertsroberts_pic

I’m not great at setting New Year’s resolutions. Actually, it’s the keeping of the resolutions where I fail. I can always lose a few pounds (okay, more than a few) and exercise more (okay, start exercising), and be less of a control freak (okay, maybe I can’t be less controlling).

However, there is one resolution I’ve managed to keep year after year. I kill people. Sure, it’s only on paper but that anger has to start somewhere, right? So if you cut me off in traffic, annoy me in the check-out line, tackle my son during a football game, or give me a bad review…well, chances are good you’re going to die. I apologize. Really I do. But, in my roberts_dead_and_kickingworld, that’s just the way it is.

Writing a series that involves crime scene cleanup means having to come up with dead people on a regular basis, and I have to admit that I enjoy this part of my job immensely. Even though the names have been changed to protect the guilty, I get real joy from releasing a little tension with a little murder.

Do you have any stress left over from the holidays? How do you work off the tension?

Thanks to Cindy for inviting me to blog. In addition to my latest release, DEAD AND KICKING, I’m pleased to offer the first in the series, REMAINS OF THE DEAD, to a winner who posts a comment.

Happy New Year!


Leave a comment or question for Wendy to enter to win DEAD AND KICKING and REMAINS OF THE DEAD. If you’re reading Wendy’s post through a feed on Facebook, Goodreads, or another social network, please visit the comment trail at Muse Interrupted to be eligible for the draw.

To read Wendy’s bio and the back cover blurb for DEAD AND KICKING, please see yesterday’s post. To learn more about Wendy and her books, check out her website.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Crime scene cleanup. What a great idea. But how did you research it? Do you know someone in the business? Follow someone around to intern?

  2. Hi Lynn,
    I was researching another book when I came across crime scene cleanup. Further research brought me to a lady, Theresa Borst, who has a trauma clean company in Seattle. We chatted via email and she was amazing! Although she had no ghost connection, that was where the story idea was born 🙂

  3. I love killing off mean people in my writing. Nothing’s quite as satisfying as knowing the person who flipped you off in traffic is going to be lying in a pool of blood by pg 125. Hehe.

    I’m working off my post-holiday stress by cleaning. Lots and lots of cleaning. This house is going to shine like the top of the Chrysler building, or someone is going to have to die… in writing, of course. ;o)

    I still need to pick up a copy of Dead and Kicking, but your other two were awesome, so if I don’t win, I’ll be buying it sooner or later.

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Loved your blog, it made me smile. I admit that I vent my anger in my story as well. It’s a wonderful, positive way to vent. Congratulations on your latest relesae, and I wish you every success!
    Happy New Year!

    Diana Cosby
    Romance Edged With Danger

  5. Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Wendy! I’m typing this on my son’s laptop, because my desktop became infected with a virus last night that required me to reinstall my AV software, which led to MORE viruses during the install! I need to take it to the shop. I have other commitments that are going to leave me not using my desktop much over the next week even after it’s fixed. This is my long way of saying that whoever wins the draw tomorrow, I might not be in a position to get your info to Wendy for mailing of the books for several days. OTOH, if I can use my son’s laptop again tomorrow between HIS commitments, all might be okay!

    Can someone please kill off virus writers in their next mystery manuscript? The way I’m feeling right now, that would please me immensely.

  6. B.E. maybe when you’re done your place you could come and clean mine? 🙂

    Diana, a story is probably the safest place to vent anger lol!

    Cindy, thanks for having me. I’ll try and kill off a virus in your honor lol

    Theresa – thanks!

    Jennifer, hope you get a chance to read one of my stories!

  7. Too funny. My WIP started with my heroine killing someone. Though he deserved it, it stressful for her. I must be doing something wrong. LOL

    I don’t have stress from the holidays. I have stress this week, though, because I’m determined to write 10K pages this week, yet I have a ton of other things to do. I’m reminding myself to relax and will take a walk. That always makes me feel better.

  8. Hey Wendy! Great topic. While I don’t generally ‘kill off’ characters, I do put some through a barrel of stress–and am always amazed at how relaxing that process can be. 😉

    Happy New Year!

  9. Hey there, Wendy!

    I had to giggle when you said you love the experience of coming up with ways to kill your characters. It’s a bit macabre, but there’s no harm in THAT kind of killing. Your series sounds fun. I wish you all the best.

  10. Edie, I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong because, afer all, it’s perfectly okay for the heroine to be stressed as long as it’s fun for the writer lol!

    Mary, I love the way you put your character through stress. Their journeys are always such great reads! Happy New Year to you too!!

    Shea, thanks and, yes, it’s macabre AND fun. How cool is that?

  11. Crime scene clean-up – what great subject matter ! Having worked with the police and seen what CAN be present, I can see what great stories there would be.

    I love your attitude in your post and will look for your books. I wish you much success!

  12. I’m all for killing off people fictionally as a stress reliever. Not sure who the zombies my heroine dispatched recently were, though…. 🙂

  13. Mummies, hoarders and cleaning: Sounds like a winning combination! Hey, if your guinea pig is sluggish, why not let it play with your terrier. 😮

  14. LOL! What a fabulous post. Thanks! 🙂 And I love how your website opens. Wow! That’s fantastic! Dead and Kicking sounds like a great story. My stress reliever is doing three karate classes in a row like I did tonight. 🙂

    So, I have to ask, are you a fan of that wonderful television show, Castle?

    Wishing you all the best with your release!

  15. Tori, zombies sound fun!

    Esri, I worry the guinea pig would have a heart attack if the terrier ever got hold of him!

    Gail, I’ve never heard of Castle but you have me curious so I’ll be looking it up! I don’t know how you manage 3 karate classes in a row. If I tried that it might relieve all my stress by killing me LOL!

  16. Crime scene cleanup is something you don’t read about every day. Kudos for coming up with something really unique. Since I watch a lot of CSI type shows I know I will enjoy your books.

  17. After a lengthy process involving taking all your names, putting them in a big bowl and having my 10 & 12 year olds fight over who could pick …



    Congratulations B.E. you can email me so I can get your addy. Email is:
    wendy at wendyroberts dot com

  18. Wendy, I’ve not read your stories and would love to start – just because of the title and covers! And what a great premise to use with crime scene cleanup jobs. That’s gotta be interesting for sure. I hope you have a great New Year!

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