MJ Fredrick Guest Blogging Tomorrow

Tomorrow, please welcome contemporary romance author MJ Fredrick to the blog. MJ’s blogging about why she loves romance and is giving away a copy of HOT SHOT, which recently released in print from Samhain Publishing.

Back cover copy for HOT SHOT:

Peyton Michaels expected her assignment to be simple—write an article about everyday heroes. Heroes like Hot Shot firefighter Gabe Cooper. She never expected to find herself running up a mountain, a wildfire nipping at her heels, her life in his hands.

And she never expected to be drawn to Gabe. After the loss of her husband in the line of duty, the last thing she wants is to fall in love with yet another man who routinely puts his life at risk.

Gabe has had enough of women who want to make him into someone he’s not. Women like his ex, who couldn’t handle the heat of his job. Like Peyton, who sees him as a hero when he’s just a man doing a job. Except time after time, the pesky reporter proves her mettle. And gets deeper under his skin.

But there’s an arsonist at work, and danger is closing in with the speed of a raging brush fire. Peyton and Gabe have to dig deep for what it takes to be a real hero—to find the courage to reach out and grab a forever kind of love. Before it’s too late.

About MJ:fredrick_pic

MJ has been writing forever. In elementary school, she wrote plays and pseudo-Trixie Belden mysteries. After fifth grade, she wrote her first romance, a Grease rip-off. She continued writing serialized stories throughout high school, then went to college and got married. After her son was in kindergarten, she started writing again and joined RWA. Four years later, she got serious and buckled down. Two years after that, she finalled in RWA’s Golden Heart in 2003, and the ball started rolling. Even that wasn’t the magic touch, and MJ finalled three more times before selling in 2007. After completing 20 manuscripts, her first two books were out within two weeks of each other, and both have firefighter heroes! WHERE THERE’S SMOKE is in print from The Wild Rose Press, and HOT SHOT, a romantic suspense, from Samhain Publishing has just been released in print. MJ also has a Wayback Texas story from The Wild Rose Press in ebook and an essay in IN THE HUNT, Unauthorized Essays on Supernatural, available March 2009. Her next book, BENEATH THE SURFACE, her 2007 Golden Heart finalist, will be coming from Samhain summer 2009. 

Visit MJ at mjfredrick.com and marywritesromance.blogspot.com.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.