Tell Me Tuesday

It’s gearing up to be another Motherhood Madness week. Youngest Son has his high school graduation ceremony and all-night dry grad this Friday. My Liege and I are on the entertainment committee and will be at the dry grad for part of, if not all, the night. Imagine, getting to graduate on Friday the 13th. I love Friday the 13th. However, there’s also exams upon exams this week and the next for Y.S., plus “back-up” university registration on Thursday. Eldest Son is between summer jobs and his laptop hard disk just died. What fun. Next week is his university registration.

As a result of all the family stuff landing on my plate, yesterday was pretty much wiped for writing, although I did edit several chapters and, while spacing out during my bi-monthly massage therapy appointment, I brainstormed several approaches to what I believe is the last scene I need to write totally fresh before I get to revise a big ol’ whack of NaNoWriMo-drafted scenes. Yes! I’m a little worried that the NaNo scenes won’t quite mesh with the scenes I’ve been writing these last few weeks, but I know Elle Muse has my best interests at heart, and she’ll come through for me, won’t you, baby? Elle? Elle??? Elle!!!

I think she’s taking a nap. Time to go kick her in the butt.

Anyone else have news or writing progress/lack of progress to share?

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Cindy, glad you got a brainstorm during your massage. How great to be almost done with the first draft. That’s such a good feeling.

    I got edits back from my editor this morning, so that’s what I’ll be working on the rest of the day and probably tomorrow.

    Linda / Lyndi

  2. Good luck with the edits, Linda. I’m not normally a first draft writer, so I view my NaNo scenes as possibly useless, LOL. We shall see!

  3. My revisions keep moving backward. I’m cutting and cutting instead of adding and adding. But I think I know *what* to add…the trick is sitting down and doing it!

  4. Yes, that is the trick, isn’t it? My bug-a-bear is research. It helps put me “in” a scene. Today, I’m researching background info for the scene I need to write, but that info will also prove useful in future chapters. It’s all good. Cutting is still progress, because it means you’re finding the heart of your story (or at least getting rid of what you don’t need).

    Agh, my fingers are sticking on the keys because I just at a bunch of raisins…

  5. Now I know why my muse has been sleeping — no massage.

    What a great idea to get the ole gal in gear.

    Happy graduation, and hope you survive all the celebrations.

  6. Thanks, Sandra. The massage therapy is a necessary byproduct of an old car accident, unfortunately. Working at the computer stresses the same muscles. That said, I think every writer should get regular massages. We deserve it and it does really help.

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