Tina Ferraro Blogging Tomorrow!

Make sure to drop by tomorrow to welcome Young Adult author Tina Ferraro to my blog! Author of  THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS (which just released today—yay, Tina), Tina is blogging about how she came up with the idea for her new book, and she’s also giving away a copy!

Back Cover blurb for THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS:

Parker Stanhope has played soccer practically since she could walk. And now that she’s a high school junior, everything she’s worked for is finally coming together. She’s paid her dues on the field, and as an upperclassman, she’s a shoo-in for the varsity team. But that’s not what happens.

This year, Coach Hartley moved up every JV player but two—and one of those two was Parker. Now, she’s stuck with the freshmen, her friends are cutting her loose, and her love of the game is seriously beginning to fail. But Parker is determined to get her life back. She has to get on the varsity team, and she has the perfect plan. All she needs now is the right kind of coach.

Leave a comment or question for Tina tomorrow until midnight Pacific Standard Time to enter for your chance to win. 

About Tina:ferraro_pic

Tina Ferraro has been writing stories since she could hold a pencil. But while her creative writing skills have seen improvement, she’s still hoping to master penmanship. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, their three kids and a cat who bites. She’s written three books for Delacorte Press:  The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, How to Hook a Hottie, and Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress.

To view a trailer for THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS or to learn more about Tina and her books, please visit her website.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.