WHERE SHE BELONGS is finally available as a Kindle edition on Amazons around the world! Including Canadian Amazon! The trade paperback edition is currently at Amazon and CreateSpace. The trade paperback will eventually find its way to Canadian Amazon and also the Barnes and Noble website. It took HEAD OVER HEELS 8 weeks to get to Canadian Amazon. Hopefully, it won’t take WHERE SHE BELONGS as long. But such in the publishing life. Hurry up and wait.
I’ve been promising to reveal the new cover for WHERE SHE BELONGS for several days, and I just now realized I have to update the cover in the sidebar of my blog, too. For tonight, I’ll get by just posting the cover here. If you can also see it (instead of the hardcover version of the cover) in my sidebar, that’s because you didn’t read this post ten seconds after I wrote it. And you know what that makes you, don’t you? Very naughty. You’ll be lucky if Santa visits this year, I swear.
But I’m not a grinch, so I forgive you.
Without further rigmarole…
Well, where is it? WordPress isn’t playing nicely with me today…
I’m getting ticked off!

There it is! Only took four tries to get it to post. I thought for a second there I had lost all ability TO post an image. Phew.
If you want to see the full trade paperback cover flat, click this link, which will take you to another page on my website. First, a large version of the front cover will appear, but then, THEN, only if you’re very, very good, you will scroll down and the full paperback cover will miraculously appear. Just like a lump of coal in a stocking.
To read an excerpt and some reviews, please visit the WSB book page.