Writer Therapy

I’m addicted to massage therapy. I go to massage every other week and to the chiropractor once a month. Like clockwork. It all started as a result of a major car accident the family survived when Youngest Son wasn’t even a year old. Well, first I was sent to physiotherapy (I think it’s called physical therapy in the States), but my physio guy did a combo of physiotherapy and chiropractic moves on me, because my neck and upper back were so screwed up by the accident. And still are. To some degree. I think it’s safe to say it’s writing that bunches me up now.

I once stopped going to physio for over a year. However, the more I got into writing, the worse my condition grew. My physio guy moved (he was great!) and the next physio had horrendous waiting times, so off to the chiropractor I went. And I haven’t looked back. I’ve also done Intra-Muscular Stimulation, which I like to call “painful acupuncture,” because it consists of having the needles shoved directly into the muscles giving you trouble. As much as I don’t like going to IMS, it was the therapy that finally got rid of a knot in my back that I’d had for fourteen years (since the car accident). Since then, the massage suffices. I consider myself very lucky that My Liege has an excellent medical benefits plan through his work (mind you, he gives up other benefits to have such a great plan), because without this plan I could not afford my twice-monthly MT appts. And they are a godsend. I think they should be tax deductible for writers, because I consider massage therapy as vital to my occupation as a writer as I do my computer. In fact, it’s because of my computer that I need to go to massage therapy! It’s a vicious circle.

How about you? Is there a “luxury” that you consider a necessity for life as a writer? In your dream tax world, what would you write off as a justifiable expense (if you could)?

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Does sugar, specifically in the shape of candy corn, count? lol
    Wow, that’s crazy about the car accident. Glad it turned out okay. I can’t imagine having my kids in an accident, especially a baby in the backseat. *shiver*

  2. That definitely counts! I wonder how the tax guys would react? Massages? Candy corn? These writers are crazy!

    Yeah, my baby was 11 months old. The camcorder case hit him in the head (it was a 5-car pile-up, and we got the worst of it). (By the way, the accident wasn’t our fault!) Thank God for baby car seats. In fact, our oldest son was just over 3 and normally riding in a booster seat at home (rules were different then). I made him go back to using his car seat for the trip (it was our summer holiday), and am I ever glad I did.

  3. This is not an ongoing luxury (yet), but I “won” a hot stone massage/facial at a silent auction, and it was so heavenly that I found myself asking, “Now, how often can a person do this???” I could totally see using that relaxation to help get me in the writing zone…

  4. I’ve had hot stone massages several times, Tina. I think they’re heavenly. Unfortunately, I don’t think I coud write them off! More’s the pity.

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