Jan & Feb Guest Bloggers

I still haven’t quite gotten back into the swing of things, so I thought I’d make this short and sweet and mention my upcoming guest bloggers.

Next Wednesday, January 14th, young adult author Tina Ferraro is blogging and giving away a copy of her about-to-be-released ABCs OF KISSING BOYS. In fact, she’s blogging the day after the official release, January 13th. We were going to have her come by on the actual release date, but that’s my birthday and I’ll be slacking off, LOL. So if you’re interested in writing YA or you have a young teenage friend who wouldn’t mind winning a free book, make sure to drop by.

February 9th brings Superromance author, Susan Gable, who will give away a copy of her latest Super, A KID TO THE RESCUE. Susan’s first book, THE BABY PLAN, earned her a RITA nomination for Best First Book in 2003, so this is another author you don’t want to miss.

March is pretty much Guest Blogging Month! When I sent out the call for guest bloggers, I received a ton of requests for March. Every week will feature another guest author. You can check out the Guest Blogger listing beneath my blog roll to see who’s coming when.

After March, my next guest isn’t scheduled until May, so if you are an author, or know of an author, who would like to blog at Muse Interrupted in April, drop me a note/send them my way. My email address is on my Contact page.

I also wouldn’t be adverse to hosting another author each for January and February. Dates from mid-month on are available for both months.

Okay, that didn’t turn out short, but winning free books is awfully sweet. 😉