Guest Blogging Alert (Mine)

I’m hosting Dara Girard on the blog next Tuesday, August 18th, so consider this pre-warning (or pre-invitation, depending how you look at it), that Me, Myself, and Eye is also blogging at Nobody Writes It Better that day (Tuesday, August 18th, for those with the memory retention of a gnat). August 18th is a special day for me. It’s my grandfather’s birthday. Or it would be if he weren’t six feet under. Now, now, I’m not being rude. If he were still alive, he would be turning 110 on August 18th. But, alas, he expired at 106. The nerve!

My grandfather believed that he could do anything—and he pretty much did. He’s a prime example of how You’re Never Too Old to achieve your dreams. Which happens to be the topic of my blog next Tuesday…August 18th…at Nobody Writes It Better. I hope you’ll join me.