My Muse Has Kidnapped Me, and I Can’t Get Out!

I had blog topics planned for this week, but an opportunity has descended and I’m too busy developing ideas to do a blog post justice. I’d wanted to write about the great books I read over the holidays. Might still get a post in on the topic later this week. The books I read are definite, “I Recommends.” And you know how much weight my opinion carries! (Or it should. Sheesh, people). (Yes, I can hear you rolling your eyes).

What’s worse about Elle Muse kidnapping me is that I was slated to do revisions/edits for Penny this week and the next and the next. She’s most upset that I’m ignoring her. I’m giving Elle one more day to mess with my mind and tomorrow she can begin annoying Penny again.

In the meantime, I’m a slave to my muse.

Categorized as Writing