Daylight Savings Blah

I’m recovering from my flu and getting back to writing, but Daylight Savings Time definitely hasn’t helped. I’m waking up at the same time, but it’s too dark to walk the dog. No, I won’t walk her in the dark alone anymore, not even with a flashlight, despite that I live in a safe neighborhood. We won’t go into why! (Other than to confess that it was a little whoo-whoo).

Plus, DST always makes me feel a little jetlagged. Yes, it’s only one hour, but the spring has left my chicken. I need my sleep!

Here’s some good news! Finally got to the eye doctor, and despite the problems I’ve had lately, they aren’t due to any dreaded eye diseases. Probably just incompatibility with my (formerly) new contact lenses (I say formerly, because I tossed them out). I’m test-driving a brand of multi-focal contacts that allow in more oxygen. In a couple of clockwork99rrlc1weeks, my optician is bringing in yet another (brand new) brand. I’ll try them both, and if the dry eye situation doesn’t improve, I’ll go back to my old trustworthy contacts and reading glasses…until I feel brave enough to tackle laser surgery without visions of Malcolm McDowell and A Clockwork Orange dancing in my head.

Can you say Crazy Laser Eye Guy anyone?

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. *Hugs* on the DST jet lag- I found myself up until 1 am… hard to reset the internal clock.

    Also, the photo gave me my first chuckle for the day. Thanks!

  2. Nancy, always happy to provide a chuckle. I watched portions of that movie at some point in my adolescence, and the scene in the picture has given me nightmares ever since. Yes, I’m a wimp.

  3. Hi Edie, yes, slowly but surely I’m feeling better. I’m just hoping the flu doesn’t morph into a cold. They have a way of doing that (the real flus, I mean, not a G.I. bug).

  4. I’m with you on this DST thing. I was at a convention over the weekend. Friday and Saturday nothing started until noon or later, and both went past midnight. Then we had to be at breakfast at 8:30 with DST! It was really, really difficult. LOL

  5. Oh, cool, I’ll have to check in on your blog and read all about the conference (you will blog about it, right?). Hope I don’t forget! Still living very much in my own head these days (the dumb flu has left behind some unpleasant reminders likely to hound me the rest of the week).

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