Empty Nest: Week One

Don’t worry, I’m not going to journal my journey through Empty Nest Syndrome. Reading this article made me feel a lot better about the emotions I’ve experienced since dropping Eldest Son off at university seven days ago (that’s him between me and Y.S. in the truck). And guess what? Ta-da! I’m normal. (Bet you never saw that coming).

Yes, it’s completely normal to feel like you’re in a sort of mourning when your child leaves for college for the first time. It’s perfectly okay to feel like a mountain is sitting on your chest. The good news is, the mountain gets up and leaves. It’s funny how a one-line email from the child in question or communicating with him via your other child’s Instant Messaging System of choice can suddenly right your world again. Days 3 – 5 were the worst. Then the rational side of me realized, I’m not mourning him. He’s alive and well and healthy and hopefully having the time of his life. What else could a mother wish for? (For the grammarians among you, read that, “For what else could a mother wish?”).

We had a great time as a family and visited old friends who greatly helped in the transition. It’s wonderful to know my dear friend J. is only a short drive away from the campus. Plus, E.S. is attending my Alma mater, which My Liege also attended during my second year. Yes, the campus is a lot bigger than it was “back in the day,” but we covered a lot of familiar territory, and I realized the university still holds a special place in my heart. A beautiful city, a beautiful campus, beautiful friends, and a beautiful son…

Life is good.

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. I hope my boys will still hug me when they are that much taller than me!

    I remember when my parents sent my older sister to college, a five-hour drive away. They were miserable. Of course, a few years later when I went, they didn’t seem to care…then again, I was only 30 minutes away…

    E.S. is cute! LOL Your family looks very happy.

  2. I still deny that you are old enough to have a college-age son. I’d go so far as to say these are totally staged photos, except the love and affection in them is so obvious.

    I’m glad the break is healing and you’re moving through the ES on schedule. 🙂

  3. I was thinking the same thing as Nat. You don’t look even CLOSE to old enough to have a son in university! Glad you had a good time taking him down there 🙂 I imagine it’s a great place to go to school (second only to Kingston – can you guess my Alma Mater?)

  4. It’s a fantastic place to go to school, Teresa. I’m sure Kingston is, too. And thanks for the compliment! Now, if you saw me first thing in the morning…

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