Left-Brain Brain Drain


That’s what’s left of my brain.

I didn’t write or revise one word yesterday. Not one word of my work-in-progress, at any rate. Business letters? Yep, drafted and edited those. Sold stocks on-line. Paid complex bill. Examined very confusing credit card company statements for my dh’s business. Tried to prepare a year-end for another, thankfully simpler business (record keeping only, not the bookkeeping, thank God—I hire out Little Pisser for that) for the accountant. Of course I ran into roadblocks. Of course! Why? Because I can deal with numbers. I do taxes for myself, my dh, and both of our kids. I still do taxes by hand, not using software, because I’m convinced the evil software will try to trick me. That I won’t make as many mistakes filling out the forms by hand.

Where was I? Oh, yes. I can deal with numbers, but I DON’T REMEMBER numbers. My brain doesn’t like numbers. My brain likes letters. When I woke up from my one and only surgery thirteen years ago (not counting my C-sections, because I was awake for them), what looked like pages and pages and pages and pages of words were flipping in front of my eyes. I tried to catch what they said (might have been the secrets to the universe), but no luck. Unfortunately, everything I did yesterday, and in fact everything I did over the weekend, required my brain to remember numbers. So I wouldn’t have to GO OVER SOMETHING FOR THE EIGHTEENTH TIME. Or phone Little Pisser while she’s very sick and ask her to repeat something to me about numbers that she told me in the fall. Something I wrote down in WORD FORM so I would remember it. But then some crafty little devil took over and scratched out some of my words and wrote down numbers in their place. Different numbers! I know by the handwriting that the crafty little devil was me. But I do not know why I changed the numbers.

Thanks to Little Pisser, that particular task is back on track.

The year-end would be ready for the accountant except I realized at the last minute that I was missing one document that, in over a dozen years, would have reached me in the mail by now. So…year-end postponed until next week, when I’ve been assured the document will arrive.

All family taxes are done (and a check written to the Receiver General in one case :::sob:::) with the exception of Eldest Son’s. For some reason, he didn’t receive an information slip when he should have (weeks ago). Early last week, I called the Lady in Charge of Such Things, and she told me The Company in Charge of The Information Slip said they had already mailed out the slip. Tough toodles, because I don’t have it. “Not to worry,” LICOST told me. “They just sent out another. I was hoping you’d got it already. Keep an eye on the mail, because it will get there any day.” That was, oh, several days ago. The slip has not graced our mailbox. And taxes are due April 30th.

I’m giving it until Monday and then LICOST will have to call TCICOTIS for me and get the information to fill into the appropriate spots on the income tax form.

Mercury Retrograde, anyone?

Well. I’m glad yesterday is over. I set out to accomplish all the number-oriented tasks in one day, and, by gum, I nearly met my goal! Accomplishing all such tasks in one day is very important to me, because I find it incredibly difficult to devote the morning to numbers and then the afternoon to words. And if I start the morning with words, sorry, numbers, you ain’t getting my attention at all that day. Because I know once I start doing number stuff, that messes up my word brain and then there goes any writing at all. 

Can you write for part of the day and do :::shudder::: number stuff in the other part? Little Pisser tells me she has no problem doing number stuff in the morning and then gardening in the afternoon. But gardening doesn’t involve spelling, and she’s a bookkeeper, so…

I am deficient. Not morally, just numerically. How about you?

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. When I do my taxes, I usually leave the entire day for that. Like you, I sometimes need more information. Hate that. The last couple years I haven’t had problems.

    I hope you’re right brain is working soon!

  2. I use TurboTax for my taxes, because numbers and I are not the best of friends. Simple math is fine, but once you get up past that, I’m screwed. Give me calculators and spreadsheets and tax programs any day.

  3. B.E., I tried using a tax software program once, and it really, really bugged me. Not enough reading for me, I guess, LOL. As long as I have everything I need, I prefer going through the booklet Revenue Canada sends along with the tax forms and WORDING my way through taxes.

    My kids’ taxes are complicated by their education deductions. Deductions are a good thing, but studying for finals does not mix with doing taxes. This year the younger one sat beside me for the first time and watched while I did his taxes, but the older one goes to school out of town. As soon as he gets back, he needs to sign the tax forms so we can mail them off. As they get older and are no longer in “finals mode” for April, they can take over their taxes or hire them out. For now, I’m happy to help them. But I find it very aggravating to wait for certain information slips.

  4. Edie, thanks. I hope my right brain is working soon again, too! I think part of my aggravation comes from having to do year-end for a tiny corporation while also doing 4 sets of personal taxes. It feels like it never ends.

    But, next week, after I get #1 son’s taxes sent off and the year-end to the accountant, I don’t have another year-end to deal with until the fall. But then I have two to deal with at the same time. It never fails to interrupt my creative flow.

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