Miss Potter

potter.jpg“Stories don’t always end where their authors intended. But there is joy in following them, wherever they take us.” Beatrix Potter in MISS POTTER.

Isn’t that the truth?

(There’s also aggravation in following them, but I’m trying to remain upbeat.)

I had the very great pleasure of watching MISS POTTER over the weekend. Has anyone seen this movie? Were you lucky enough to catch it in a theater? What did you think of it? I totally adored it. I’m not a raving Beatrix Potter fan (as a preschooler, Dr. Seuss was more my speed), but I am a raving fan of this movie. It’s a true writer’s movie. I think that’s why I loved it so much. Starring Renee Zellweger as Beatrix Potter and Ewan McGregor as her publisher and suitor, not only does MISS POTTER have excellent characterization and breathtakingly beautiful cinematography, but the way it portrays the writer’s imagination—down to the details of her stories coming to life before her eyes—well, to me it was bang on.

I watched this movie alone, which, in my opinion, is how it deserves to be watched. Especially if you live in a testosterone-driven household and are usually subjected to hockey games and super hero films. Well, I wasn’t totally alone. Allie McBeagle was sleeping on my lap (being a “yump,” as she puts it)(translation = “lump.”) My dog, um, figures predominantly in my imagination. I won’t go into exactly how (although I may have already…), because then I’ll have made public several reasons to have me carted off to the loony bin, which my children are already threatening to accomplish when I’m eighty. However, let’s just say I totally identified with Miss Potter’s feelings of affection for her creations, and the romance and tragedy of the story also swept me completely away.

Rent. Or Buy. This Movie.

Watch it with your favorite beagle—uh, bunny.

No Regrets. I promise.

(Fine Print: Promises made on this blog are not legally binding. If you buy or rent this movie and don’t love it as much as I did, no, I won’t reimburse you, and, honestly, you should think about developing better taste).

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Cindy, I’d heard good things about the movie, and now you’ve convinced me to watch it. I wanted to see it at the theater, but never could find the time (or a friend to go with me).


  2. Yes, that’s my problem, too. Which is why I usually end up renting “Cindy-movies” or catching them on the movie channel.

    Tonight, for example, I’m going to IronMan with My Liege. But Miss Potter? LOL.

    Good thing I love Robert Downey Jr.!

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