Summer Madness

Summer madness has caught up to me. The month of August promises to zip by! If I’m not around here much, that’s why.

I’m behind on the Peru posts. I’d like to say I’ll start posting about Peru again next week, but no promises as it takes me a long time to format the pictures and write the posts. I do have a guest blogger appearing next Tuesday, historical romance author Kris Kennedy. Please drop by for a chance to win her latest release.

I will start up the Peru posts again as soon as I can. After going out of town to celebrate our anniversary last weekend, I’m in writing catch-up mode. Next week I need to devote to putting together ancillary materials for my December 2011 Five Star Expressions release, WHERE SHE BELONGS. Yes, that’s 16 months away, but my editor has the edits ready for me, and I’ll be going through those next week, too.

I guess you could say I’m in my writing cave.

Except I’m also in my summer cave.

Did I mention #1 son had his laptop stolen? Much kerfuffle revolved around that the last couple of weeks.

And #2 is leaving for university soon. When Eldest Son came home, I thought we’d all get to unpacking his boxes and deciding what Y.S. would need for his first year of residence, then repacking them again. Yeah, right. Maybe we’ll start this weekend.

I did a lot of outside painting in July, and I’m not finished. But we need to prep Y.S. for university first.

How’s your summer going? Are you super busy, too?

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


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