Sweet Abduction…I Think

A visitor to my Facebook page told me that the Greek title of BORROWING ALEX loosely translates to something like “Sweet Abduction.” I have an email in to the publisher to verify the translation (somehow it never occurred to me that the book would have a different title, but foreign publishers change the titles all the time, so it makes sense), but if you can verify the title for me, leave a comment on this post or drop me an email.

Here’s the cover, now available on newsstands in Greece from Anubis. “Sweet Abduction” (which makes me think of sit-ups) is part of the Anubis Romance line. There’s also an ebook version available from the publisher (should you know how to read Greek and want to buy it).

Front Cover:

For interest’s sake, here’s the back cover, too:

I don’t think that can be read well enough to translate, but if you want to try, be my guest!

By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.