Tell Me Tuesday

Today is Dadbert’s birthday. Happy birthday, Dadbert!

Dadbert is my new blog nickname for my father. I call him Dadbert quite frequently, and it’s more respectful than “Old Man,” which is another of my nicknames for him, so I decided it made a better blog nickname for He Who Gave Me Life than Mon Pere. Also, Dadbert doesn’t require an accent. So Dadbert it will be. Live with it. 🙂

What’s the news in the blogosphere? Writing or non-writing? From writers or non-writers? Myself, I had a bit of a tough writing week last week. Oh, I made progress, but every single sentence was like pulling teeth. Can I blame it on Mercury Retrograde? Or hormones? Or both? I think I will. However, now the hormone cloud has lifted, and the writing is moving along much better. In fact, I’m nearly to the NaNoWriMo mess of already drafted scenes for this project. I’m so close, I can breathe on them. I’m so close that I’ve started re-reading the NaNo scenes to ensure they and those I’m writing now will still bridge to each other. And you know what? I think they will. This gives me no end of joy. You mean there was a purpose to my NaNoWriMo experiment? I should know more next week.

Now, I open the floor to those brave enough to comment (yes, ye Commenters are a brave lot). What’s going on in your neck of the woods? Any news to share? If you have no news and you just want to give me a pat on the back, I won’t stop you.

Oh, and come back tomorrow, because I’m starting my very own MeMe! One big difference, I’m not tagging anyone. Participation in Cindy’s MeMe is strictly voluntary. So if you don’t come back, you don’t get to see what it is. And wouldn’t that be a shame?


By Cindy

I'm irritated because my posts won't publish.


  1. Sorry the writing was so tough. I’d definitely blame it on Mercury Retrograde. Hope this week is better.

    Last week I finished my WIP and got it off to my editor, then on Saturday I went to Book Expo America in Los Angeles and helped out at the EPIC booth. I wrote about it in my blog.

    I like Dadbert, btw. 🙂


  2. Linda, I’d love to read about BEA, but when I click on your blog link, I get a blank page (except for the title). Is the URL correct? Or is Mercury acting up again?

    I did get a submission request last week and had to take time out of new writing to polish the sub, so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much about my progress on the WIP. But I still think I should have accomplished more than I did. Oh, well, it’s a new week. Onward and upward!

    Congratulations on getting your latest project off to your editor!

  3. Yeah, Mercury is flexing its muscles hard this quarter. 🙁

    I started a new project today. It’s a sequel to a book my agent hasn’t sold yet, but I have two other projects in her hands and three other projects I need to revise, and I’m tired of not doing anything because of waiting, and it’s fun to write about superheroes, so what if the first one never sells so there’s no point in writing the second one.

    So there. LOL

  4. Hi Natalie,

    I love your logic! There’s NEVER anything wrong with writing a project you love. You go, girl.

  5. You all sound productive! And no, Cindy, you shouldn’t complain that a request interrupted the WIP! Bad Cindy!

    As for me, school ends at 12:30 tomorrow! There will be great rejoicing at 12:31! Then I can get back in gear with my WIP. Tonight I’m working on 2 contest entries.

  6. Well, it was only a request for a short story. I feel like I should have been more focused on the WIP (even though I know it sounds dumb). However, it’s a crazy time of year for moms everywhere. Our school year doesn’t for another two or three weeks.

    Enjoy your end of the school year!

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