Happy October!

Wow, I can’t believe only three months remain in 2008. I’ve been busier than a bunny in a frat house since attending RWA National in San Francisco at the end of July/beginning of August. In the last month, I’ve gone out of town twice, have been busy researching and writing (although not as much writing as I’d like, due to the two trips), and doing intense post-kid-moved-to-university fall cleaning (as of this past weekend I’m nearly finished the basement and this coming weekend I’ll tackle his room). Canadian Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means more cooking and cleaning and visiting (Eldest Son is coming home—yeah!).

As I write this, the air is crisp but the sky is a clear, brilliant blue and the sun is wonderfully bright. Now, I’m a September-lover, but if this weather keeps up, I’ll be more than happy to relish October. Or maybe that’s my cold talking. My sore throat is clearing up, but my ears are clogging, so I can’t hear anyone whine—if that doesn’t make a person happy, what will?

How about you? Do you have favorite months of the year? Which are they and why? I’m partial to May and September. I love July and August because they’re summer, but I find it depressing when they don’t act like summer. And October…with the leaves changing and the snow staying where it belongs (up in the sky), it feels like my last chance to savor the outdoors…before November swoops its gray skies and clouds and potential snowstorms and icy winds and slick roads upon me.

The Body Guide

Here’s a cool medical reference site, The Body Guide. Thanks to CJ Lyons for posting the link to the Crimescenewriters email loop.

The site allows you to choose between a male or female nekkid (aside from fig leaves) body. From the left, you select which body structure you need for your research, then hold your mouse over the Adam or Eve figure to I.D. the structure name. Navigation links on the right provide details and more illustrations. If you ever need to differentiate between the lumbosacral plexi and the sympathetic trunk in your WIP, this is the site to help you.

Now, quick, who can tell me which bodily system to highlight to remove the fig leaf from Adam’s body? First person to answer correctly wins Perv of the Week.


Any Dexter fans out there? What did you think of last night’s Season 3 opening episode? It’s on my PVR, so don’t give away any episode spoilers before I’ve had a chance to watch it. But I would like to know if you watch Dexter, why does the series appeal to you? Do you think Dexter is a sympathetic character? Or do you just find him fascinating (as I do)? (Not to mention perfectly cast…)

Conversely, have you tried watching an episode or two and turned away in disgust?

I didn’t discover Dexter until partway through the first season. A family member received Season One as a Xmas gift last year, so I watched the entire season in a couple of sittings and tried my best NOT to watch any episodes of Season Two as they were airing, because I wanted to watch the season all at once again. I accomplished this treat a couple of weeks ago. Now, I find the character of Dexter intensely fascinating and complex. However, at the end of the second season I found myself wondering where they could possibly take Season 3 that would maintain Dexter as an interesting and somewhat sympathetic character. So many questions about his past were answered in Seasons 1 and 2. So what does he do now? Just go on his merry, slashing way?

I accidentally stumbled upon this news story about Season 3. Warning, the news story contains the following spoiler, which I’ve quoted in white font, so if YOU WANT TO READ IT, highlight it. If you don’t want to read it, DON’T HIGHLIGHT IT!!

This season, Dexter will make a mistake: He will kill someone who is innocent. The vigilante killer, the avenger of miscarried justice, will be forced to confront his own culpability. That moral crisis will precipitate a potential emotional meltdown, according to Clyde Phillips, Dexter’s head writer and executive producer.

Hmm, velly interesting. I like it! Except for the one unfortunate occurrence in the spoiler, of course. What I like even better is that Jimmy Smits is appearing in Season 3. Yes, it looks like it’s gearing up to be another great season of Dexter. Too bad I can’t seem to find the series on my HD channel (this is Canada, remember, and we don’t get Showtime). I’m hooked on the series enough that I’m willing to do something I rarely do—watch a non-HD channel. Our TV is humongoid, and non-HD just isn’t the same….

Vote for Kate!

I returned from several days of no Internet connection to discover that Red Sage is holding an election-themed contest. Right now, they’re conducting the “Primaries.” Here’s more information, from the Red Sage blog:

Election hype got you down?

Well, here’s a full slate of candidates we can all support!

Vote in this month’s “Primary” for your favorite story from Secrets or Red Sage Presents. We’ll be showcasing some of the candidates here on our blog, so check back for platforms and polling results!

Next month, we’ll shift out of the Primary and into the Election! Watch this space for details!

Everyone who votes will be entered into a drawing to win a free download of a Red Sage Presents story of their choice!

Here’s how to cast your vote. Send an email to eRedSage at gmail.com with “Primary Vote” in the subject line. In the body of your email, name your favorite Secrets or Red Sage Presents story. That’s it! No lines, no confusing touch screens or punch cards, and best of all — this is campaign literature you actually want to read!

So which story should you vote for? Any one you want! However, if you want my opinion (and who doesn’t?), cast your vote for Good Vibrations in Secrets Volume 21: PRIMAL HEAT, by the illustrious Kate St. James, who, as we all know (or should), is a wonderful writer and so close to my heart that she (almost) feels like part of me!

Vote for Kate! Vote for Kate now! Vote for Kate NOW!!!

Kate wants votes. Kate needs votes. Kate craves votes.

In case you need that voting information again:

Here’s how to cast your vote. Send an email to eRedSage at gmail.com with “Primary Vote” in the subject line. In the body of your email, name your favorite Secrets or Red Sage Presents story. That’s it!

Good luck! (Vote for Kate St. James)

(Vote for Kate St. James)

(Vote for Kate St. James)

(That’s Good Vibrations in Secrets 21)

(Good Vibrations)

(in Secrets 21)

Vote for Kate!

Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut…

I haven’t had access to my computer for a few days now. Well, I have access NOW, but I haven’t for a few days. I did have access to My Liege’s laptop, however, and, silly me, I thought I could check my blog through that. But guess what? I forgot my user name for WordPress! So while I have been reading the comments to my thankfully pre-scheduled blog posts, I haven’t been able to comment back. And my WordPress username is so ultra-simple, it’s not funny. Let’s hope I have it firmly implanted in my brain now.

What’s everyone been up to while I’ve been off in Stupid-Stupid Land?

Categorized as This & That

Paper Jam

Yep, usually happens when you’re printing out something that has to get to the post office now!!