Welcome Guest Blogger Tina Ferraro


I have been asked several times by interviewers how I came up with the idea for my January release, The ABC’s of Kissing Boys.  A good question, whose answer—in a nutshell—is that I knew I wanted to do a soccer story, but then was struck with this title idea, and racked my brains to find a way to make it all work.

The truth, though, is that the idea was the easy part.  The real labor of love was bringing this story to life: finding the right tone, the right characters, the flow.

The book takes place in Minnesota, so it being the land of 10,000 lakes, it seemed natural to open the book on a lakeshore. And I loved the idea of a group of teens playing the kissing game, Dentist.  Every morning I got up before sunrise and started pounding away on it.  I felt sure if I worked long enough/hard enough, this “great idea” of mine would take shape.  Days passed.  Weeks.  I moved from page to page until I had to take Advil to ease eyestrain and headache.

ferraro_kissing_boysI started feeling like the living embodiment of that old joke about the writer who boasts that he wrote forty pages that week. Forty first pages. 

My critique partner, author Kelly Parra, was infinitely patient with me as the weeks turned into months, reading attempt after attempt, encouraging me, making suggestions, and holding my cold, clammy hand. 

Still, the day came when my agent, Nadia Cornier, called to find out why she still hadn’t seen a first chapter.  I caved.  I told her my eyes had gone blurry, my head blank.  The story wasn’t working, I was going to quit. 

Now, if any of you know Nadia, you will not be surprised by her reaction.  Instead of accepting this news, she basically got in my face and told me to go try again. It was a great idea, she insisted, I was a strong writer, I could do this.   

Dutiful client that I am, I wiped the tears and went back to the keyboard.  With nothing more to lose, I decided to throw caution to the wind.  I would abandon those elements I so wanted to use, and just let the characters take over.

I’d start…with dialogue.  Soon, a line came to me: “You’re late.”

I paused to feel my main character’s reaction to this accusation.  Because after all those hours of living inside this girl’s body, I knew her.

And there it was—yes.  I felt it.  I knew what she’d think, what she’d say, and wouldn’t say.  

I had a direction.  I had—maybe—a story.

From then on, it flowed pretty easily.  With some laughs and some unexpected turns, and the general feeling that I had told the right story the right way.

My agent loved it, my editor loved it, and as of this week, it’s on bookshelves.     

And for the record?  Remember that lakeside setting I just couldn’t get past?  Look for it in the opener to my next book, When Bad Flings Happen to Good Girls.  And who knows, a rousing game of Dentist may appear in one of my future books, too! 


Please leave a comment or question to enter to win a copy of THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS. Entries accepted until midnight PST.

To learn more about Tina and her books, please visit her website.

Tina Ferraro Blogging Tomorrow!

Make sure to drop by tomorrow to welcome Young Adult author Tina Ferraro to my blog! Author of  THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS (which just released today—yay, Tina), Tina is blogging about how she came up with the idea for her new book, and she’s also giving away a copy!

Back Cover blurb for THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS:

Parker Stanhope has played soccer practically since she could walk. And now that she’s a high school junior, everything she’s worked for is finally coming together. She’s paid her dues on the field, and as an upperclassman, she’s a shoo-in for the varsity team. But that’s not what happens.

This year, Coach Hartley moved up every JV player but two—and one of those two was Parker. Now, she’s stuck with the freshmen, her friends are cutting her loose, and her love of the game is seriously beginning to fail. But Parker is determined to get her life back. She has to get on the varsity team, and she has the perfect plan. All she needs now is the right kind of coach.

Leave a comment or question for Tina tomorrow until midnight Pacific Standard Time to enter for your chance to win. 

About Tina:ferraro_pic

Tina Ferraro has been writing stories since she could hold a pencil. But while her creative writing skills have seen improvement, she’s still hoping to master penmanship. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, their three kids and a cat who bites. She’s written three books for Delacorte Press:  The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, How to Hook a Hottie, and Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress.

To view a trailer for THE ABC’S OF KISSING BOYS or to learn more about Tina and her books, please visit her website.

Win A Copy of Secrets 26!

exes_and_ahhs_lgMy buddy, my friend, my life-long pal, erotic romance author Kate St. James, is the Godiva of the week ALL WEEK at Candy Ready’s blog. That’s from now until Friday, folks. Visit today and tomorrow to read Candy’s two-part interview with Kate, and drop by again Wednesday and Thursday to read excerpts from Exes & Ahhs, Kate’s latest novella featured in Secrets 26: BOUND BY PASSION.

Every time you leave a comment, you’ll enter to win a free autographed copy of Secrets 26. And, what’s even more wonderful, you can enter up to 5 times. That’s five—count ’em—five, chances to win Secrets 26!

The winner will be announced Friday—not here, but on Candy Ready’s blog. So don’t leave a comment here to win Secrets 26—you have to leave the comments there. Well, you can leave a comment here if you want, telling Kate how wonderful she is, and I will make sure to pass it on to her (not difficult, sometimes I swear she’s living in my head). But comments posted here will not enter you in the contest for the free copy of Secrets 26. Only the comments entered at Candy’s Ready’s blog from Monday to Thursday, January 12th-15th will. Winner chosen Friday, January 16th.


Sorry to clarify to the extreme, but after receiving several pitches in the comments section of my recent post about the BookEnds pitch critiques, I figured I’d better.

Facebook Thoughts

Facebook is driving me nuts lately. Too many Applications!

Don’t laugh, Natalie D.

I shall persevere, however, because I primarily connect with a few true friends through Facebook, plus I’ve gotten in touch with several old friends through Facebook, too. However, overall, this video hits the Facebook experience on the nose for me.

Apologizes for words like puke and p*ss (that is, if they offend you. If they don’t offend you, the apologies are hereby retracted).

Jan & Feb Guest Bloggers

I still haven’t quite gotten back into the swing of things, so I thought I’d make this short and sweet and mention my upcoming guest bloggers.

Next Wednesday, January 14th, young adult author Tina Ferraro is blogging and giving away a copy of her about-to-be-released ABCs OF KISSING BOYS. In fact, she’s blogging the day after the official release, January 13th. We were going to have her come by on the actual release date, but that’s my birthday and I’ll be slacking off, LOL. So if you’re interested in writing YA or you have a young teenage friend who wouldn’t mind winning a free book, make sure to drop by.

February 9th brings Superromance author, Susan Gable, who will give away a copy of her latest Super, A KID TO THE RESCUE. Susan’s first book, THE BABY PLAN, earned her a RITA nomination for Best First Book in 2003, so this is another author you don’t want to miss.

March is pretty much Guest Blogging Month! When I sent out the call for guest bloggers, I received a ton of requests for March. Every week will feature another guest author. You can check out the Guest Blogger listing beneath my blog roll to see who’s coming when.

After March, my next guest isn’t scheduled until May, so if you are an author, or know of an author, who would like to blog at Muse Interrupted in April, drop me a note/send them my way. My email address is on my Contact page.

I also wouldn’t be adverse to hosting another author each for January and February. Dates from mid-month on are available for both months.

Okay, that didn’t turn out short, but winning free books is awfully sweet. 😉

Snow Days

I had to cancel all my appointments today, and I had a few, including very much needed chiropractor and massage therapy appointments. Luckily, other locals are as snowed in as I am, so I grabbed a couple of cancellations for tomorrow. There goes my first whole day of writing since Eldest Son came home for Christmas.

He made it back to university last night. Had some waits, but at least his flight wasn’t cancelled. If he’d traveled Sunday or today, I’m certain the flights would have gone down the drain.

I can’t remember this much snow in my life. I know we had very snowy winters in the early Seventies, but I was talking to a fellow dog-walker the other day who’s lived in my neighborhood for fifty years, and he says this is the snowiest winter he can recall.

How about you? Is the weather still going crazy in your part of the world? Don’t get me wrong, the snow up here is GORGEOUS, but I have books to mail and I haven’t been to the post office since before Christmas. I haven’t done ANY unnecessary driving. However, walking in deep snow in Sorels is great exercise, and my dog does love to walk, no matter the weather. At least I’m getting my exercise!